3 1/2 yr old with possible psoriasis

Posted Tue 6 Mar 2012 19.59 by The5aint5
My 3 yr old may be affected.

Hi just looking for a little bit of advice. Have been to the docs this week with my daughter and been told that she may have psoriasis, he didn't want to put a label on her though. Its mainly on her arms and legs with bigger patches on elbows and knees. We have been given steroid cream but can anyone help me ease her itching .... Anything would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks, Sarah.

Posted Wed 7 Mar 2012 19.41 by doreen77 (edited Tue 27 Nov 2012 22.13 by doreen77)
people stare and it gets me down

hi Sarah i also have it my arms and legs and i what i find helps is double base gel or i was given e 45 itch relief cream also being to hot can make it worse and try not to let it get to dry cause that's when it really itches hope that helps melissa

Posted Tue 27 Nov 2012 22.15 by Debs
I have had it for 32 years and have psoriatic arthitis. for 28 years.

I agree with what sarah says. Watch diet like dairy and red meats.

Posted Tue 4 Dec 2012 00.15 by Goose75
Had psoriasis since 1997 and arthritis since 2006.

Citrus fruit is one of the things that seems to make my skin break out.

Posted Sun 16 Dec 2012 19.49 by itworkedforme (edited Sun 16 Dec 2012 20.24 by Lisa)

try putting her on a wheat and gluten free diet for two weeks,i have and my psoriasis has now gone after having it for over 40 years!

Posted Wed 20 Mar 2013 16.13 by kerenhoward
i have had it for 30 years and now my 4year old son haqs it/

Hi my son has psoriasis he was the same age as your daughter when we found out he was 4 yesterday. I have it too so poor thing has inherited it from me. How is your daughter now? I feel my sons is getting worse and being so young there are not many creams he can use.

Posted Sun 28 Jul 2013 19.55 by hcwjsw
4 year old diagnosed 7 months ago

Hello, My 4 year old daughter was diagnosed with psoriasis 7 months ago, we have tried so many creams and ointments and it just keeps appearing in different place. Her heels and scalp are especially bad, the Dr said when she itches just to keep applying cream but I'm going back tomorrow as its getting worse.

Posted Sun 22 Mar 2015 04.49 by Calculator

Hello there, I was diagnosed with Psoriasis when I was 3 years old. It is quite severe now and I am close to having tried everything. Please do not use steroid creams on your daughter - these are effective but are not good for the skin. Instead: 1) Please use moisturisers like E45 or Vaseline (which I personally use) instead. 2) I doubt that stress (which is the main cause of flare-ups for teenagers or grown-ups) is the cause here. Try instead focusing on her diet. I recommend 'John Pagano's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook. 3) Keep her very active 4) Ensure her skin is protected when outside 5) Drink lots of water 6) Take her mind off it, acknowledge it exists and ensure her condition is improving but just keep her mind busy with something else. I have personally noticed that when I was still little, if I (unknowingly) forgot about a particular patch it went away/ improved after a while. I don't why this is, it happened often. Not any more though as my condition is so severe that it is impossible to forget it. Good luck and I hope your daughter's situation improves!

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