Living with a frustrated psoriasis sufferer

Posted Wed 5 Nov 2014 14.43 by sarahb
Small patches on abdomen and scalp but partner suffers with severe psoriasis all over body and undergoing injections.

Hi there, I have just joined and have spent the last hour reading so many of the comments that you have all made about the suffering that you all undergo daily. Although I have small patches of psoriasis on my abdomen and also scalp psoriasis, my main issue is that my partner suffers really badly and I feel like I don't know how to support him. I am currently feeling totally useless, as is his mother, as we jut don't seem to have any answers and my partner is getting more and more frustrated. He has just started a new treatment which is an injection called Stelara. Unfortunately, we think he has had some side effects which meant that we ended up in A&E after he fainted (first time in his life). He is now anxious, (understandably) about receiving the booster injection in a few weeks time. He doesn't want to let people at work know about his condition as he is concerned that they will see it as a stress-related illness and then label him with 'mental illness'. To be honest, I don't even know what I am hoping to get from posting this message. I just wondered if there is any advice out there for people who live with sufferers. How do you let them know that you do care and you will do whatever you can to support them?

Posted Mon 19 Jan 2015 15.30 by EllieNixon95
I have had psoriasis since I was about 13. I am now 19. It's been an absolute nightmare ever since it flared the first time. I've finally fo

Hi, that sounds horrible. The only thing I can suggest is for your partner to maybe talk to someone that's going through the same thing.everyday in my life is a struggle to cope with the condition so I'm trying this. Trying to talk to family members is hard because nobody can understand or relate to the pain unless they have endure it themselves. Possibly councilling too? X

Posted Thu 22 Jan 2015 15.28 by lucykavanagh21
I have had psoriasis since I was six months old but wasn't diagnosed until I was 10 years old, due to misdiagnosis. I have been trying to co

Hi Sarahb I totally agree with EllieNixon95. The best thing to do is to get your partner to talk to someone who is going through it too. I've been suffering from Psoriasis for pretty much all of my life and it is a struggle. Because of my psoriasis, my self esteem is rock bottom and my anxiety is sky high and I know I'm not the only sufferer who is like this. Maybe get your partner to sign up to a forum like this or maybe councelling is a good solution xx

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