where do i start and where do i go?

Posted Sat 27 Dec 2014 16.28 by nikthelaser
developed guttake pso 3 weeks ago, still withme, i estimate 80% covered, never had it in my life ever before, it seems to be getting worse,

I developed overnight almost guttake pso 3 weeks ago after a 2 week sore throat, I was admitted to hospital for observations as 90% of my body was affected from nothing to 24hrs later being at 90%, the speed shocked me. I was given IV anti histamines and thats about it, discharged to home with a bunch of steroid cream and lotions. I had expected some sort of improvement but have seen none at all really, if anything my symptoms are worse, the itch is driving my crazy, my skins feels red and hot most of the time, and it also feels like its buzzing... I cant cope much longer, i am living on my own, and have little contact with anybody now I am signed of work as well. U have started puva treatment but that seems to have burnt me, even with just 20 seconds exposure, In my own head i still think that fact i have a bad throat infection is the cause and continue to be the cause. I have told my doc and hosp several times I have a sort throat and have trouble swallowing, they look at my tonsils and say all looks ok, but i keep telling them to me it feels lover down right at my oesophagus, they dont seem to listen to me... what should i do now... i dont think i am being heard or listened to, when i said it itches like crazy, the nurse told me dont be silly its not that bad.. I really am in despair now, nothing seems to be positive, .. if just one thing gave me hope i am sure i would feel better.. am i in a circle or stress and pso? Will this get any better? if not then i really do fear for how i will cope.

Posted Wed 31 Dec 2014 04.21 by cheruhaizan
When i am in my study of doing a diplome,at the first semester i am having a small pluege behing o my hands but afyer a few month i suffer o

As for my concern i am one of the pso patient.main things in pso that you must remwmber is to manage your stress after that try to find any cure medical treatment from your doctor. Just make sure you follow the treatment given and try to make your self get into it.yes for beginning you will feel unconfort but try to be with the treatment and manage the stress i am sre you can do it.

Posted Tue 13 Jan 2015 22.40 by mjtj2015

Hi! I'm 25 and suffer from psoriasis or at least, I did suffer from it.... I had it throughout university - two very small patches on my elbows and when I started my first job when I left it went mad and got worse and worse and worse. I was covered head to foot and would wake up in a bed of flakes every morning - I tried all sorts of steroid creams, UV Treatment, a lot of baths! I got to a point where drugs were suggested and I thought there must be another way... Miraculously, I have now found a way to manage it, which might work for you also... I stumbled across someone called Jason Vale last year who also suffered from psoriasis but who found a way to cure his psoriasis through juicing... he has tailored a diet that is a completely healthy and balanced diet which can help to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis and in some cases fully clear it up (it did for me!) - the only drawback is the sacrifice of sweets, chocolate, coffee, alcohol etc. which for me wasn't much of a sacrifice as I would do anything to get rid of psoriasis! I'd just like to add that I'm in no way associated to Jason Vale and have no specific interest in promoting him except for the fact that he has created this amazing diet that might just be able to help... Here is a link to the page on his website where you can click through to his 'clear skin diet'. http://www.juicemaster.com/free-downloads I want to spread the word to see if it can help others, which I am sure it can! It'd be great to hear your feedback, please feel free to contact me at michael.j.t.jones@gmail.com if you need any more information. Thanks, Mike

Posted Sun 25 Jan 2015 17.19 by masondj
Fortunately, personally, I haven't although do have some other minor dermatological problems. I'm just interested in understanding more abou

Hi I'm a distributor for Forever who deal with high quality Aloe Vera and bee products. Some of these products can have good results with many conditions including psoriasis. They don't cure psoriasis but I know that for some, they have really helped. If interested in discussing further just either email me at masondj95@icloud.com or ring me on 07773 270015. If not interested, I wish you all the luck, help and support to get you through this. Regards Jill

Posted Sun 25 Jan 2015 17.19 by masondj
Fortunately, personally, I haven't although do have some other minor dermatological problems. I'm just interested in understanding more abou

Hi I'm a distributor for Forever who deal with high quality Aloe Vera and bee products. Some of these products can have good results with many conditions including psoriasis. They don't cure psoriasis but I know that for some, they have really helped. If interested in discussing further just either email me at masondj95@icloud.com or ring me on 07773 270015. If not interested, I wish you all the luck, help and support to get you through this. Regards Jill

Posted Thu 29 Jan 2015 11.15 by Goldie
Am a sufferer, seeking help from dermatologist at the moment, with little improvement. Slight depression due to pain and embarrassment beca

Please don't despair. Don't listen to any nurse who tells you "its not that bad". Unless they have suffered from guttate psoriasis, they can have no idea of what it is like. Go to your GP and insist on a referral to a consultant dermatologist asap. You may need to be firm!

Posted Tue 3 Mar 2015 12.48 by Dee
Huge mental deterioration triggered by unpleasant physical feelings from having psoriasis in a sensitive area

Hi, Your story sounds a little similar to mine. It all started when I had colonic irrigation and almost immediately had an intensely sore throat. The doctors couldn't see anything even though I insisted it was further down near my oesophagus like you mention. Eventually, I was diagnosed with glandular fever and eventually psoriasis. My dermatologist told me that psoriasis can often stem from a sore throat so its possible yours could be too. I'm struggling too thinking that the future will look anything like today - I wish you luck.

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