
Posted Thu 7 May 2020 19.59 by srioo

im 19 years old and I haven't been officially diagnosed with psoriasis but I am fairly positive I have it. It is not big (about the size of a 2p penny) and its contained at the back of my scalp at the bottom. Ive always ignored it as I only noticed it when my hair needed a wash. However, I have just bleached my entire hair and its flared up quite a bit. I have no idea what to do. Ive applied some sudocrem to it but I don't know what to do. I don't want to go to the doctors to get a proper analysis right now due to Cover 19. and I've checked the internet but its not every helpful as they just suggest going to the doctors. I still need to add the hair dye on top of my bleached hair so I don't know whether I should wait for a few days or just do it. if anyone can give me some advice it would be much appreciated.

Posted Sat 9 May 2020 12.21 by OhNo_NotAgain?

It is impossible for anyone on here to diagnose whether or not you have psoriasis. It is not particularly common to hear of someone with psoriasis limited to a single small patch. But whatever you are experiencing, I would STRONGLY recommend that you make a sensitivity patch test with the hair dye you intend to use.

Posted Wed 13 May 2020 15.38 by Lilac Lu

Most doctors surgeries are doing an online service at the moment so it might be a good idea to put a request in and they will either telephone you or email you.

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