Flare up after 10 years

Posted Tue 3 Mar 2015 09.45 by Claire88
I was diagnosed with psoriasis 11 years ago following tonsilitis. I have phototherapy and have been pretty much clear ever since. I recently

I was diagnosed with gutatte psoriasis 10 years ago following tonsilitis. I had phototherapy treatment and only had small flare ups since then. I suffered mostly with it on my face. The topical treatment then have me acne. The acne has now been treated with roaccutane. I recently had tonsilitis again and I have had a massive flare up affecting my whole body. Face included. I am really struggling with it this time round. The itch is driving me mad. I am currently taking fexofenidine and hydocyclidine. Neither of which are working. Has anyone tried anything that helped?? I am not leaving te house at the moment as I feel too self conscious. I am due to get married in a few months and I don't think I can go ahead with it if I look like this.

Posted Sun 8 Mar 2015 00.08 by B
I have had Psoriasis for 15 years and after a long period of remission I am having a major flare up, mainly on my face!

HI Claire I feel your pain. I am the same, I got Guttate P when I was 21 after a throat infection and sunburn, after a year or so it all but went away. Until the last few months, I have had tonsillitis twice and my P has come back mainly on my forehead and scalp, and everyday a new spot appears somewhere on my body!! I am reluctant to use the steroid creams from my GP as last time they left light coloured patches on my skin. They are a few post's on here about a book called 'Healing Psoriasis, The Natural Alternative" By DR John Pagano It is about diet mainly and healing your gut which will then heal your psoriasis. I am going to give it a try.....you never know it may work. It states that you can get results in a few months! Are you in the U.S? if so the book will be easy to get (no so much here in the U.K) he also has a cookbook, I've not read that though. Good luck, I hope you find some relief and can go ahead with your wedding : ) B

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