
Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 14.16 by jl1008

Hello! After looking online for hours and finding little information I was hoping to maybe find someone on here to help! I have recently won a competition to get my eyebrows microbladed. Basically a light tattoo of hair strokes on the eyebrows. Its something I've been thinking about for a while but was always unsure because of my psoriasis. After speaking to the practitioner she advised I would need to sign a disclaimer to have it done and did state that because of trauma to the skin, new plaques could form. I dont have psoriasis on my face at all but I do have it on my scalp, elbows, knees, and groin area. I do have regular flare ups thay I control with prescription ointments etc and is generally due to stress. I just wondered if anyone has had this procedure done or knows of any other experiences. Thank you!

Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 19.29 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Hi, I cannot speak from experience. Anyway over ten years ago when tattoos started to become fashionable I asked my Derm what he felt of tattoos with people with P. He basically advised if I wanted one to have a small one in a hidden part of my body. Suffice to say I didn't go ahead. Move forward a few years I asked my then Derm and he bluntly advised against a tattoo of any size. Due to the fact of the abrasion to the skin and as we know areas of the skin that have P are more succeptable to P in the future and of course infection. So on that advice even though I fancied one I didn't go ahead. With eyebrows they are not hidden so if things do go wrong there is no hiding the P. There may be others who have had no negative effects from having a tattoo or eye brow tattoos but I suppose until the procedure is done you won't know. Sorry

Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 20.36 by jl1008

Thank you for the feedback, I'm pretty sure its not worth the risk of potentially ending up with psoriasis on my face. Thank you again.

Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 22.33 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

A suggestion why don't you gift the prize to a friend that wouldn't have the same concerns as you. If the rules allow you to that.

Posted Wed 23 Sep 2020 23.51 by Ali K

Hi I have suffered with plaque psoriasis for 35 years and last year decided to have micro blading to my eyebrows as after going through the menopause my eyebrows fell out. I had the procedure 18 months ago and no flare up of psoriasis on my face. Hope this helps.

Posted Thu 24 Sep 2020 06.45 by Donna

I had micro blading done 12 months ago and yes, it did trigger psoriasis in my brows. Until then I only had psoriasis on my limbs. Had I have known, or been advised, I would not have had the procedure carried out.

Posted Thu 24 Sep 2020 07.00 by jl1008

Oh gosh, im sorry that happened to you. It is just basically a 50/50 chance isn't it. I am hoping to be able to pass the prize on to someone else. Thank you for your replies!

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