New user

Posted Fri 10 Apr 2015 15.28 by Jayney_84
I get psoriasis all over my back, sides, stomach, chest, legs and elbows. I am now 31 years of age and suffered with it since the age of 7.

Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. I am 31 years old and has psoriasis since i was around 7 years old.Does anyone recommend any good dietary advise? I get psoriasis all over my body and i am extremely self conscious about it. I use Dovobet ointment, Aquaous cream, Eperderm ointment, everything possible from the doctors but i just wondered if anyone had any more ideas that i could try as i think my skin is getting used to the steroid ointments too much now and doesn't seem to want to clear up.

Posted Sat 11 Apr 2015 07.41 by Buffy (edited Sat 11 Apr 2015 20.08 by paddy1)
Got itchy patches

Hi - I'm a new user but can't work out how to post a new forum. I would like to start a campaign / get funding from a university / get the backing of the Psoriasis Association / the support of a well known person, anything to get a product like Potters Psorasolv back on the market. So many people have used it over the years and it actually does work. I cannot get a definitive answer as to why it was taken off the market - if purely commercial then there's hope, if one of the ingredients became 'illegal' that's more tricky. I don't understand why a chemist can't make it it. This is the start of my campaign and I don't intend to stop until its available again.

Posted Thu 23 Apr 2015 14.12 by Essexgran
Lifelong symptoms but with recent severe widespread flare ups

Hi Jayney, I've just had a short course of UV treatment discontinued because I burned . Whilst having this I started following the diet recommended by John Pagano in his book Healing Psoriasis The Natural Alternative. The results have been miraculous with my skin 99% clear and only some tiny specks occurring. However, I don't know if this is due to the diet or the light treatment or a combination of both. I'm persevering with the diet in hope but it's a tough regime. The book is available on Amazon.

Posted Sun 26 Apr 2015 22.54 by Mellymoo
It is a living nightmare with no cure. Even some cancers have cures now. I guess more people need to suffer first?

I have been on detox diets where I just had carrott juices and basically lived on rabbit food. YES it does improve. YES it takes months for your body to rid the crap you put in it and then heal. And NO I can never stick to a diet. Try getting rid of milk and gluten.

Posted Mon 27 Apr 2015 16.56 by tonyp
I have plaque psoriasis

Hi Jayney, Well, I am 70 and have had ps since I was 20. I was very fortunate that my wife now (was my partner then) and, despite the ps, she stood by me. I think that, over the years, I have tried lots of things. Talking to others with ps I realise that it is a condition that has no real pattern; different people report in different ways about the various treatments. I have had 2 lots of outpatient hospital treatment; both got rid of my ps completely (except for my scalp)....but it came back inside 3 months. I have tried coal tar, almond oil, Dovonex, Calcipotriol, occlusive dressings, and the steroid treatments. Early on I was told a "low-Triptofan" diet would be good...but it didn't work for me. Once, when my partner and I split for 6 months it went completely....but this proved to be a red herring. Over the years I have found that the ps does NOT respond well to continuous treatment. I try to leave it as long as possible between smearing on the ointments, using moisturisers in between. Almost every year we have 2 weeks at a villa in Spain where I can swim and soak up the sun. Some years it goes completely....and I pre-treat myself before the holiday. If there is a universal agent that works it's SUN. But you need to experiment with suntan oils (I used Bergasol until the bergamot oil was banned)....but oils that allow the sun through are best. I use tanning oils on my ps and sunblock on the rest! If you get it on your hands treat them before going to bed and wear soft gloves (from Boots). More than anything moisturise....

Posted Mon 4 May 2015 00.11 by Jeanie
I have it since I was fifteen. I am 35 now and feel its affecting my ability to form new relationships

Has anyone prescribed u coal tar? I think its the best treatment outside of ingrams

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