I have been put on Acitretin drug but am feeling sun burnt all the time, I understand this is a side effect but I just wanted to know if anyone has tried this drug and has had the sun burning with it? if so what do you recommend to treat, burnt cracking/bleeding lips & face ?
Posted Sat 9 Jan 2021 07.01 by scarletsmummy
I was on acitretin for nearly a year and had so many side effects than i had to come of it, My lips bled so much i could hardly drink and despite numerous lip moisturerisers nothing eased it UNTIL my dermotologist recommended nipple cream ( the sort breast feeding mums use ) so i did get that and it eased it ,With regard to the Sun burnt feeling i did get slightly and that's because they make you highly sensitive to the sun and I suggest putting on a sunscreen even on cloudy days .As i said i had so many sever side effects , I lost my hair in clumps on my head , my eye brows and lashes completely gone , and i developed severe sciatica as a result of the tablets so PLEASE take care on them , I have been off them 9 months now and Yes the symptoms have eased and I have been taking a Biotin supplement for my hair and nails which has helped them and Yes the Psoriasis is back on my scalp .. I sure hope these work for you x
Posted Sat 9 Jan 2021 13.50 by Kim
Thankyou for your reply,
Thankyou for the advice , I hope you find something that works for you, x
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