Methotrexate and Leflunomide?

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 08.48 by Jojo83

Hi all, I've recently been diagnosed with PSA. Thankfully onset of symptoms to diagnosis has been extremely quick, but as a result I'm playing catch up with educating myself on the disease and treatments. I started with mild foot pain in December which got worse and worse to the point I've been struggling to walk. I'm a 34 year old with 2 young kids so its been very debilitating and I imagine is one if the reasons I was referred quite quickly for diagnosis. I've been offered a clinical trial to see if combination treatment with Methotrexate and Leflunomide from the beginning has a good effect on getting everything under control. Has anyone used these 2 drugs in combination? I'd be really keen to know how long things took to settle down and if they were well tolerated together? I'm only 1 week in at the moment and haven't experienced any side effects yet....(other than feeling very tired!!), but don't want to get complacent!! Many thanks

Posted Mon 22 Feb 2021 04.01 by otwoseventooo

Sorry Jojo83, not even a little I can contribute on the subject - Combination of Mxt & Leflunomide. My therapy is on traditional regime with Mxt+Prednisolone+etoricoxib. And my therapist mentioned about biologics if beyond Mxt. Is yours autoimmune too? Thanks.

Posted Mon 22 Feb 2021 15.58 by Jojo83 (edited Mon 22 Feb 2021 15.59 by Jojo83)

Thanks for your reply! Yes it is autoimmune. Trial is starting me on 2 different DMARD's straight away to see if it gets everything under control quicker. I was a little hesitant at first as I know both drugs can be quite side effect-y and I've started on relatively high doses of both I think, but so far so good! Although have started getting very sore knees in the last couple of weeks, so hoping I'm not waiting weeks for the drugs to have some effect! Biologics seem to be the way a lot of people end up going so I'm trying to educate myself on everything...lots of reading!!

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