Vitamin D Tablets

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 15.48 by Old Girl

Has anybody had any experience of taking these for Ps.? If so any recommendations for Brands? Note:- I'm using Enstilar Foam Thanks for any help given.

2 Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 16.01 by scarletsmummy

Vit d works but only in VERY high doses only available on prescription, the ones you buy over the counter have little or no effect, but even on prescription BEWARE they have some very dangerous side effects, I lost all my eyebrows, lashes. All bodily hair and it fell out in clumps on my head, it made my lips so sore I could not even drink unless with a straw and I developed severe muscle problems and sciatica so if you are tempted please see a doctor.

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 16.04 by Old Girl

Scarlet, Thanks, thinks I will forget the idea & just sit in the sun (with a glass of wine)!

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 17.39 by OhNo_NotAgain?

@Old Girl: here is a post you might find useful, or interesting.

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 17.40 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

I would speak to you Doctor before dismissing or do some more investigating. What doesn't work g For one person may well work for another. As a nation we are all lacking vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is vital for our bodies and personally I have been on high dose for a long time and have suffered no adverse side effects. As we age we are unable to absorb vitamin D from the sun. Also, you may have heard in the news that they are in some cases, actually giving vitamin D to patients.

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 22.01 by Layloh

Scarletsmummy what is tablet you mentioned that is vitamin d? I know of Vitamin a tablets (retinoids) but not heard of vitamin d.

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