After 18 long months I've finally been given a diagnosis, aside from other places I have psoriasis in my ears, I was practically deaf and sounded like I was living under water, in December after getting my hair done, my scalp blistered and hair started falling out. Over the 18 months I've had numerous visible symptoms but the dots not joined.
Over the last 6 months or more I've also had aches, strange sensations rising from my kneck up up to my. Head, I've also felt like I've had ADHD or something, I've literally not been able to sit still, or concentrate and been unable to sleep properly. Does anyone recognise these symptoms or have other non visible symptoms.
Posted Mon 22 Mar 2021 23.23 by Linda
Thank you. It's skin cells and mixed in with wax. I've had them cleared out 3 times, but they're full and crystallised again in a matter of days.
Caffiine probably 2/3 cups coffee per day.
I'm only just starting to process all this. I'll keep a diary and note questions to ask the dermatologist on my next visit.
1Posted Wed 24 Mar 2021 23.31 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 25 Mar 2021 08.19 by OhNo_NotAgain?)
Linda: I get a build-up of dry skin inside my ears. I am very wary of prodding or trying to spread a steroid (or non-steroid) ointment with a cotton bud inside the ear canal. I have used steroid sparingly and it does improve the condition for a few weeks.
I forget where I read this tip (I forgot to save the link) but I bought a small bottle of Boots own-brand "Allergy Relief Nasal Spray". The active ingredient is "Fluticasone Propionate".
I tilt my head to have one ear uppermost and spray inside. let it sit for a few minutes, maybe put a cotton-wool plug to stop it dribbling out and repeat for the other ear.
It clears the canal, and seems just as effective as a steroid ointment, but earier to get into the canal.
I would not reccommend to try to squirt water at "high pressure" inside the ear-canal. you can damage things. When trained medical staff syringe someone's ears they do not blindly squirt at as high a pressure that they can generate, directly into the ear canal. Additionally, many doctors avise against regularly/routinely syringing ears except as a last resort. It can stimulate irritation and actually make some problems worse.
You may also find that your failure to get good sleep is creating your strange symptoms (or at least, adding to them), rather than necessarily the other way around.
Best of luck!
I have had loss of hearing for months on end in my left ear during and before psoriasis started with me. It would come and go.
My hearing recently come back a few weeks ago, I also seem to have fixed my very severe psoriasis with strong vitamin d3 (10,000iu) and multivitamins. I've been in remission for months now. Whether the hearing and psoriasis are related, I dont know... time will tell.
Psoriasis sufferers can get inflammation elsewhere, around the joints, blood vessels etc.
I'd be interested to know if you have a fast heartrate, Linda. Inflamed blood vessels would mean higher stress levels and higher blood pressure leading potentially to problems sleeping. I struggled with sleeping throughout my psoriasis ordeal.
Hope things get better for you soon.
Posted Sun 28 Mar 2021 15.24 by Linda
Thanks all, I've had bloods and short of vitamin D, I have supplements and head out into the sun when it does appear. Thanks for the advice on the ears, last time I went to the audiologist she seemed a bit put out, but I had to stop her scraping in my ears. I am hoping it will improve before my next app with her.
I am waiting for a scan on a lump in my neck, I am assuming it is inflamation around a lymph which may be causing be causing me to feel nauseous, dizzy.
Spleeping hasn't been good, am working on this.
I do keep racking my brain to try to figure if it is stress caused or something changed in my diet to bring all this on.
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