Axisbiotix- Probiotic Therapy for Psoriasis

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 06.58 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 07.03 by The Dictator)

I personally have no requirement for an apology. I was already given the required. But I do hope an apology is issued to the association and members forthwith , and we can then discuss products , concepts and experiences here, as it is intended for This is not a marketing platform for products of 'implied' benefits , nor a platform to promote own financial gain They are despicable actions, to use sufferers in this way, or any other I have no more to say on this matter as I am sure the moderator must be tired of it . From now I refer to products only . So AxisBiotix "makes a reasonable request for clinical evidence for the product and asks where the company shows a direct and proven benefit specifically for psoriasis. " Hope somebody can help me with this query as I have no idea where to research Thank you

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 08.09 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 08.10 by The Dictator)

Posted Today 07.53 by Anderson Dickhead, go to the website,, all you , and anyone else needs is there. Try it, it might stop your constant drivel. ,,,,,, Dear me is that how investors speak? That's very sad I did think of that but can you show me : "makes a reasonable request for clinical evidence for the product and asks where the company shows a direct and proven benefit specifically for psoriasis. "

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 08.55 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.00 by The Dictator)

I did read that they did a study. However due to covid it was limited to selfies and "positive only" responses . I am the only one defending the company here because the claims on threads are not reflective of company claims Just look at the thread header "Probiotic Therapy for Psoriasis " Where do they say that specific health claim ? Is it on website? What they 'imply' and what they don't claim are two very different things. The company should take legal actions for these claims that I do not think are even allowed for probiotics under UK/EU laws?

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.01 by lizziep

Dictator - point made - leave it now, perhaps?

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.02 by The Dictator

Fair point Lizziep

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.26 by ode

Hello, I took my 3rd bag this morning. Nothing to report. No headaches, no intestinal problems, the pso is still there ;)

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.27 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.46 by lizziep)

let's leave it for at least a month before we post, ode - perhaps even 2 months or people will get very bored - particularly if there is nothing to report.!

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.31 by lizziep

What country are you in ode?

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.46 by ode

No worries about that @lizziep. The goal is not for me to spam every day ;) But it seemed important to me to make a point the first days, and indeed, then to space the reports.

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.48 by lizziep

It's just that nothing to report doesn't seem like a point to make, especially when you have just had 2 packets - 3rd one this morning! It really would be a miracle if you had had something to report!

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 09.59 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 10.00 by The Dictator)

Spam According to the dictionary, no mention of number of posts "irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc." More to do with ludicrous advertising etc

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 10.00 by lizziep

Dictator - time to play the silent game?!

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 10.01 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 10.01 by The Dictator)

I think so. 1-2 months sounds like a good idea.

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 10.30 by ode

Thank you for your feedback. I will indeed do it at the pace I deem most appropriate.

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 11.38 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 12.15 by lizziep)

I was interested in which country you were in , Ode, as you talked of 48 Euros a month as opposed to 500 -1400 Euros a month for an injection. Of course here everything is free on prescription for people like me, or a £108 a year for others, so for us it is £48 (plus £6 postage) as against no charge or £9.

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 12.37 by ode

We agree, that this has little impact on the effectiveness (or not) of the product. Certainly with food supplements, whatever the disease, the cost will unfortunately be charged to the consumer. But in the case of a medical product, the cost will be borne by the state health system (and therefore the taxpayer).

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 12.39 by lizziep

Oh! now you do sound as though you are with the company!

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 12.56 by ode

Think what you want. Know that you do not have a monopoly on the truth. Your unfounded, defamatory statements will not override my freedom of expression. I am confident that the readers of this thread will be able to sort it out.

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 12.58 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.10 by lizziep)

What on earth do you mean? I haven't made any unfounded or defamatory statement - what are you referring to? I thought I had been the voice of reason between the company men and Dictator, In fact I've hardly made any statements apart from saying I have bought it and am trying it. Weird. Do you object to my saying 2 days isnt enough to have any reaction or to saying you sound like a company man? Neither seem very dramatic comments.

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.05 by ode

Ah feel concerned, sorry. All I am doing is stating (on my simple honor as a real psoriasis patient) the facts of my use of this product.

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