
Posted Sat 1 Jan 2022 16.28 by Rosie

I have been waiting 4 months for appt with rheumatologist for diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. I have had X-rays of hips and hands showing it and Psoruatjc nail. I have pain all over my body at different times but I cannot wake up in the mornjng. It takes me till midday to be awake enough to get up I also have osteoarthritis, polymyalgia and fibromyalgia. Any advice please.

Posted Sat 1 Jan 2022 19.23 by StorminNorm
Hi I am a 50yr old male who has been living with severe psoriatic arthritis since the age of 29

Hi Rosie, Unfortunately tiredness and fatigue is a very common side affect of psoriatic arthritis due to the fact your immune system is very active so it can be like you have the flu with tiredness and the aches and pains throughout your body. It can also affect certain levels in your bloods as well so a full blood test is recommended just to check and then if anything is amiss your doctor can help also slight changes to your diet and nutrition can also help a great deal. It really depends how active your disease is when mine flares up my albumin is low so this increases fatigue and exhaustion to counter this which does help is eggs and protein so I have bacon and an omelette for breakfast. As I said this is a common side effect especially if your disease is very active but full blood tests will show any irregularities and maybe speaking to a dietician will help everyone is different so what's right for me may not be for you but a few small changes to your diet could help alleviate a lot of the common side effects.

Posted Mon 3 Jan 2022 13.15 by Yacht

Some studies suggest 20-70% of psoriasis patients get minor or major tiredness. It is very common. Try a keto diet, with carbs under 50g a day. Some find carbs very hard to process (make you tired). As always, consult a doc etc. when changing diet.

Posted Fri 7 Jan 2022 09.36 by Alexdenn05

Excessive sleepiness is the feeling of being especially tired or drowsy during the day. Unlike fatigue, which is more about low energy, excessive sleepiness can make you feel so tired that it interferes with school, work, and possibly even your relationships and day-to-day functioning.

Posted Fri 7 Jan 2022 19.43 by Wendi

Waking up is a struggle. My best advice is, as soon as you are awake, to get up, open the curtains or blinds and move as much as you can. It's easy to stay in bed, but your body will thank you for moving.

Posted Sat 8 Jan 2022 01.36 by Functionalfool

I sometimes also have severe lethargy on and off. I recently had pretty thorough blood work done so what things should I be looking at specifically now and in the future? Someone said albumin and mine was 3.8 which is right smack in middle of normal range but I was pretty much pain free at the time.

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