My treatment theory

Posted Wed 26 Aug 2015 23.49 by Light at the end of the tunnel
Psoraisis sufferer since i was a child, now in my mid 20's and still suffering. The mental and physical health is deteriorating due to this

I've had psoriasis since i was in school aged 12, and now i am 24. I've had all sorts of treatments, from topical medicines to referrals to specialists to chinese remedies and indian herbal remedies. As i started to realise whilst growing up i had to manage my psoriasis myself (before my parents were getting me treated). I tried this diet which wasn't too hard and i didnt follow all the rules (18 years of age) drinking a herbal medicine twice a day (clear the inside) applying a thick oil to my scalp and on top of these things turning into a veg and was told to drink carrot juice everyday. This not only kept me feeling alive most of the day my psoriasis got better till i stopped doing so. Fast forward 2 years after i moved onto a website recommended by a friend (psoriasis sufferer) to try out this greens juice which i never did but the plan was to do that. However i went to a chinese herbal place where i was examined and given a packer of herbs (black balls) which i swallowed like medication with green tea twice a day, i kept my diet to eating only white meats, no junk food, no acidic foods and no acidic fruits, wearing cotton clothing as much as possible and keeping clean (shower with a thick moisturizer). All this seemed to work great and the psoriasis on my body and scalp cleared away i was now trying to get rid of the marks they had left. I became a bit lazy and started to eat red meats again and as soon as i did my psoriasis came back and now i am in this condition just like before. My theory is the ability to stick to getting yourself treated, in direct contrast to being a student of pharmaceutics i dont believe in topical medicines as the condition is from within and the inside needs to be cleared and maintained in a healthy way as psoriasis is one of those things that won't fully go. It's part of you. I still have a long way to go till i'm cleared however i know tho my treatment is determination to get back inti a healthy regime and bang the p is gone!

Posted Mon 7 Sep 2015 16.33 by dougie
i have it all over my body

hi all diet IS the answer i have given up eating wheat altogether if it has wheat i aviod it also i have given up cows milk and use almond milk which lasts longer as far as im concerned cows milk is for cows i also have a nutri bullet and have a healthy smoothie most days which include fruits of the forest,spinach and carrot with other fruits including banana you can buy frozen spinach and fruits so theres no problem with freshness,one other thing i do not drink tap water im sure that flouride is poison now the results of this prosess is my psoriasis is fading everywhere i believe if i keep this up it will go altogether i would definately recommend my fellow sufferers to give it a go it wont cost that much and could be the best thing ever let me know how your getting on god bless dougie

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