Was giving Methotrexate for the 1st time anyone been on this and what's your thoughts

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2015 13.17 by jackieallan22
I have had psoriasis for since I was 8 years old now am 24 years I have req flare ups covering at least 70% of my body sometimes more

I have had psoriasis for 17 years had every cream steroids uv treatments ect but all only worked for a short period of time I can go from 5% covered to 70% or more covered in 4 weeks it's horrible but I had my appointment today and was giving Methotrexate 2.5mg for my first does then 5mg for 4 weeks then 7.5mg for 4 weeks with regular blood tests plus a 8 week review at hospital to see if a need to move upto 10mg. I had been reading about it and know how serious this drug is and I need to be carefull av read some horrible reviews and was wanting to hear some of your thoughts and experiences of Methotrexate

Posted Thu 19 Nov 2015 09.30 by Suzie
I have suffered for around 7 years and have it covering my back and front.

Hi, i'v been on Methotrexate for 2 years now and touch wood i havn't had any problems so far apart from the odd miagrain. I take 6 2.5mg tablets once a week then folic acid for the other 6 days although i quite often forgot to take this. I still get a little bit of psoriasis on my scalp and behind my ears but this is nothing compared to what i used to have. Hope you get on ok with methotexate like i have :0) x

Posted Fri 20 Nov 2015 11.47 by JohnKC
I have psoriatic arthritis

Hi - I have arthritic p which affects my joints more than my skin. This developed in my late fifties 20 years ago. The pain and inflammation was very severe and I was being treated with increasingly stronger pain killers. there was little sign of p on my skin until my GP noticed rough skin behind my ears. I was prescribed Methotrexate. with the dosage finally fixed at 2.5mg/wk. I have been taking this now for 20 years the pain & inflammation disappeared quickly. I have had no problems from Methotrexate

Posted Thu 26 Nov 2015 11.52 by hopecnvn
Can cure psoriasis.

Dear, most people here missing simple logic.what ever treatments you opt for either tropical or uv all give temporary releif. You need to clean your body from inside. Simple changes in your life will disappear forever.

Posted Sat 28 Nov 2015 22.34 by jackieallan22
I have had psoriasis for since I was 8 years old now am 24 years I have req flare ups covering at least 70% of my body sometimes more

I don't know how you can say it's simple logic my psoriasis is genetic it runs in my family I have had it since I was 8 years of age had every single cream steroids uv & puv treatment ect nothing made much of a difference as my body got used to it so quick. I have tried herbal creams that worked better than prescription creams. I have also cut out certain foods and dairy caffeine meats fizzy juice sweets ect I even done a detox for 4 weeks I don't smoke or drink alcohol either and nothing has helped longterm it's all trial and error with psoriasis. You shouldn't be going about everyones posts saying that giving them false hope until you have a real cure.

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