Psoriasis is Killing me

Posted Tue 19 Jan 2016 21.10 by DavidM83
I have had Psoriasis for around 16 years,

I feel like im trapped behind my skin with no way out Im a 32 year old male from Scotland, Ive had psoriasis for about 16 years, At first it was just managable areas on my hairline of my scalp and my elbows but over the years it has progressively got worse, Ive tried every lotion and potion there is out there and had 3 sessions of UVB Treatment which worked for roughly 2 months after they finished each time, My dermo told me you can only have 3 in your lifetime due to it being a radiation based treatment I tried MTX Methotrexaite but it made me sick as a dog and i felt like i was on the verge of flu all the time. My arms from my wrists up to my shoulders are completely covered in the rashes, my knees and lower legs, back, neck, my scalp is awful right now and my face is the worst its ever been even though i moisturize all the time i just cant seem to get ahead of the painful scales and cracking that comes from this horrible disease over the years ive developed pretty bad depression, anxiety and panic attacks and some weight gain due to not wanting to be outside or at the gym where anyone can see what this is like. Ive let good friends and my social life slip away because my skin gets so bad that i get too embarrassed to go anywhere, thankfully i work from home so thats not too bad but i just feel like this disease is slowly spreading all over the rest of my good skin to the point where its suffocating me, i cant get away from it and im trapped behind it watching my life pass me by, theres got to be more to it that this Sorry for the rant and pity party, just feeling pretty down right now and dont see any light at the end of this tunnel Thanks D.

Posted Wed 20 Jan 2016 09.58 by Danny moffitt
26 years

David I know how you feel pal... Try to keep positive ,, I find Vaseline really helps my skin I use it twice a day.. If you need to talk get back in touch. Take care. Danny

Posted Thu 4 Feb 2016 14.21 by stella
I have Hyperkeratotic eczema/ psoriasis I have on souls of heel as and patches over body no one seems to understand me

David only if you let it I have the dreading problem on my feet yea I do feel so down at times as I cant walk with it sore crack then moves up to my knees gee and elbows etc. but also had Eczema since being small so im lucky have both and holy shit I hate it I've tried the works uv creams the wrapped up mummy like mex... etc. still gets me down and cry yea I hate my life and no one understand ya but we all here together I've just found here wow some people who get the same and understand wow I feel a little better but its my feet they are killing me chin up liz

Posted Fri 5 Feb 2016 03.30 by Dannni
I have severe psorasis covering more than half my body. My back, belly arms legs and nails. Living everyday is a struggle. The pain can be s

My heart goes out to you. Ive had psorasis for 9 years ive now just turned 18. 75 percent of my body is covered. What seems to work for me is dovabet and moisturiser. As hard as it is, acceptance is the way to move forward for your own sanity. This disease does not define who you are and you cannot let it either. You are not your skin. Not everyone is going to accept you, but people like that do not deserve to have a place in your life. Not everyone is going to understand, and unless they have it they never will. But please never give up hope, you have a soul and as long as that shines your skin wont matter. Be yourself, life is far to short to be dwelling on what you dont have, learn to live with what you do!! Some days will be worse than others, but you have purpose n whatever your skin may look like, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Beauty is skin deep. I hope your journey is an as easy one as it can be, and remember you are strong enough to live with this, May god bless and heal you.

Posted Tue 9 Feb 2016 14.47 by
Severe 40% coverage + psoriatic arthritis.

Hello David, your post directly resonates with me. I have had it roughly the same length of time - I am 29 and from Ireland. I have had every cream/lotion available, a personal UVB lamp and have been on MTX for 6 months. I also have Psoriatic Arthritis, the MTX has managed to contain it however I am still about 60% covered. I have been reading for years on the subject of this condition and it appears in my case that it is purely genetic. This involves interactions with a group of proteins in the body called cytokines and the genes that regulate inflammatory responses in the body namely Interleukin 12 and 23 as I recall. I think IL17A too. There are some drug trials that target these genes and attempt to inhibit them, they have been a massive success. One of the drugs is called Cosentyx it makes for interesting reading. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this infliction is so deeply embedded in genetic sufferers that the medical profession has only been able to provide us with a system of managing it. Some alternative therapies you should consider until these gene therapies become more widely available are diet and exercise. I know it sounds samey however there are certain food that provoke an inflammatory response in the body. I have managed to achieve success by eliminating certain foods from my diet. Exercise can be key as its proven by reducing the amount of fat cells in the body - you can also achieve a reduction in inflammation. As a guideline I can recommend John Pagano's diet - he has a book you can buy on amazon that outlines the diet however the diet and herbal supplements are the only part of it I can vouch for, the rest is quackery and written to proliferate the alternative therapy market. From one sufferer to another I wish you all the best. SB.

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