
Posted Fri 15 Jul 2022 13.13 by veganmama1995

So today I got a phone call off my doctor to tell my I have an underactive thyroid and I have to start taking medication but I had a look online and it says psoriasis can be linked to the thyroid and can cause itchy dry skin I was wondering if anyone else has thyroid issues and how their psoriasis was after taking it? Has it improved? Just curious to know if it's a common problem with people with psoriasis, thanks 🙂

Posted Fri 15 Jul 2022 19.59 by Karen (edited Fri 15 Jul 2022 19.59 by Karen)

Hi, I've had psoraisis since the age of 19, then was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid after having my first baby at the age of 27. I started feeling unwell when she was around 8 months old, but unfortunately it wasn't picked up until she was around 3 years old, despite my repeated cries for help at the doctors - they put it down to PND! Unfortunately, if anything, my psorasis has worsened over the years. It used to be just on my scalp and down below, but I now have guttate. I'm 51. I try not to let it get to me and just use diliprosalic scalp application, epimax moisturiser and dovobet ointment on the patches on my body. I think if you overthink how time consuming and messy some of the topical treatments are, especially after a full day at work, its almost better to keep things simple and try not to get too stressed over its appearance 😊.

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