Stopped beer and seen improvement

Posted Wed 23 Nov 2022 16.22 by AzureBlue

Hi all I stopped drinking lager a few weeks ago and I’ve seen quite a big improvement in my P. I used to drink lager every day, just one or two beers of an evening. A few days after my last beer my P started really itching (it didn’t itch previously) and started to disappear. I haven’t stopped drinking but now I have a few glasses of red wine instead of the lager. I’ve googled this and it was a waste of time because all the search results were about alcohol more generally affecting psoriasis which I already knew. Has anyone else experienced this or something similar? Is it just a coincidence and I’m making an artificial link? It would be great to have your thoughts. Thanks J

Posted Wed 23 Nov 2022 20.15 by Fletch

Hi J Interesting comment. I found that Spirits were worse than red wine, which worse than white wine, which was worse than those special craft beers which were worse that beer (bitter) - But a but larger, seems ok. As much as I dislike larger it's the only ' guilty' pleasure' I have really. Horses for courses I suspect. My P began when I was about 50 years old - I'd been in the gym for a year and half and was fairly fit and suddenly felt horrible - Eventually found out I had become diabetic! P started a couple of months later - I still cannot any doctor to see the link. Had it ever since.

Posted Thu 24 Nov 2022 15.09 by redsquirrel

I really believe both of your experiences - ps is triggered I believe by a whole heap of different things for different people - the mysteries of the immune system. Mine is always triggered by lotions with pariffinium liquidium but then Im allergic to that. I went gluten free for a while - nil effect! I will keep looking for those triggers...its hard with diet - I am NOT going to be eliminating chocolate - that much I wishes. Oh - I want to say - doctors - often know nothing...about specialist immune conditions like this one. ok not nothing - but they just cannot say there is no link - it gets me really annoyed! you KNOW there is a link - and that should be good enough for them to consider at least. There seems to be no specialism in this field which is why I find this forum SO helpful. thanks for sharing! best wishes

Posted Fri 25 Nov 2022 15.14 by Sarbie

Hi, I also believe there are triggers. I have had 4 episodes in the last 30years all triggered by a chronic stress situation. When I have removed the cause of stress the ps went away by itself. This last time though it was a bad one due to being prescribed Enstilar (made it worse) and getting sunburnt this summer (causing first breakout of guttate!). Because this time round it has been much worse it just caused my chronic stress to be worse. I had very high cortisol levels. I removed alcohol, gluten, sugar, dairy and nightshades and followed Hannah Sillitoe diet but had no impact. Now treating with phototherapy at home which is helping and lessening my stress levels.

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