Exorex Lotion

Posted Tue 12 Jun 2012 08.33 by clare0210
I have had it on and off for 20 years.

Has anybody used Exorex lotion ? I am dire straits. My psoarisis has flared up & the Dovobet & Betnovate that I'd been prescribed hasn't been doing anything to help. Before my GP sends me for UV treatment, she is trying me with this lotion - so far - no noticeable change. Thanks, Clare :)

Posted Tue 19 Jun 2012 15.46 by Mike P (edited Thu 8 Jan 2015 15.03 by PsoriasisAssociation)
Reasonably mild at present. Mainly affecting elbows, calves and forearms

I am using it at present and getting through a fair bit of it as I am using it three times a day and my Psoriasis is pretty much all over.. My Psoriasis does seem to be fading but it is a very slow process. My Doctor prescribed me 6 bottles of the stuff and expressed the hope that a change would occur by the time I had used four of them. I am just starting the fifth bottle and hey presto yesterday loads of my Psoriasis was gone. Unfortunately it has returned today so I don't know if this stuff is working or not. The Dr says she will try something else if there is no change once the final bottle has been used. Let me know how you get on. Regards Mike

Posted Tue 19 Jun 2012 16.44 by Mike P
Reasonably mild at present. Mainly affecting elbows, calves and forearms

Just as an afterthought. I do not know about you but I am getting this stuff on prescription. I would strongly advise you to do the same - it is available over the counter but at a much higher price than a prescription.

1 Posted Mon 18 Feb 2013 03.24 by peetheoff (edited Thu 8 Jan 2015 15.03 by Christietav)

I've been using it for years, and yes after LOADS of the stuff and putting it on twice a day every day it does calm it down and almost seems to make it go away....... almost, if you dont keep it up it does start coming back, maybe it will work for small patches but for me it returned every few days and after a while my skin seemed to get used to the lotion so i'd have a week off so it started taking effect again. Good luck!

2 Posted Fri 13 Sep 2013 19.44 by AQ (edited Thu 8 Jan 2015 15.03 by Annette)
Suffer from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Persevere with it - it worked for me, but it took a while.

Posted Tue 8 Oct 2013 20.06 by zoecutherz
i have been affect by psoriasis for 15 years now, since i was 8.Its been a very hard road for me and very up and down. I still cant cope wit

I have tried exorex and didnt like it, but thats just me with my psoriasis. I had the UV treatment for 2 months and it cleared it for over a year, its only recently come back, the UV is good but try not to rely on it, try as much as you can before that as you can't do the UV treatment very much as its not good for your skin regulary. good luck!

Posted Mon 22 Jun 2015 10.25 by gilligan
40 years

Tyr Sudocrem..babies nappy cream and Aveeno in day. Worked for me!

Posted Tue 17 Nov 2015 06.54 by Robert Jones
mental, emotional, physical

Hi Clare, i have been using Exorex at the same time as having UVB and had great results, stick with though even after your P has cleared up.

Posted Fri 4 Dec 2015 17.30 by ollanails

Hi Clare, I am using Exorex lotion on my elbows patches what is the most annoying thing and some days its helps, sometimes not. But I remember was working very well on beginning. Unfortunately did not do the job, because my elbows patches came back to be pretty red and flaky. Exorex lotion help to stop itching. thats all for me.

Posted Mon 25 Jan 2016 10.12 by tiggy1959
I have had the condition for twenty years. Worse in winter.

Hello Didn't work for me although I used it for ages and for a while thought the lesions had faded. Did not aggravate condition which is always a plus

Posted Fri 13 May 2016 08.40 by Tgdn
On my hands and feet first time 3 months ago(age 48).

Hi I used exorex cream and it worked but I had to buy it gp wuoldnt prescribe,but small tub went through in few days so now I buy eucerin 10% urea for daytime and Bria organics balm overnight very good results and lasts much longer.hope u r much better now I forgot to say in beginning of post

Posted Tue 16 Jan 2018 09.06 by Martin

I have been using Exorex lotion along with E45 anti itch cream,twice a day for 12 months, both on prescription and both work excellent. If I stop my Psoriasis returns after one day. I would strongly recomend the use of both creams

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