
Posted Thu 27 Apr 2023 23.11 by Ewan

I am 19 and have had psoriasis since I was about 12. It turned chronic when I was around 13. I have had 2 sets of light treatment: 1 at age 14 which cleared it fully for about a year, it then became chronic again around aged 16 and I had another round of it as I turned 17 (this kept it 'at bay' for the next year but did not get rid of it entirely. I was never really that bothered by it after the age of 14. However in the last 6 months it has become the worst its ever been and covers around 80% of my skin. It also has now become burning and despite all the creams in the world is incredibly dry, every day regardless of ointments. Last month me and my partner of 2 years decided to part ways. They were always so understanding and unbothered by it and therefore made it easier to cope the last half a year as it got really bad. However since then I find myself unable to cope anymore. It consumes my life everyday and makes it painful both physically and mentally to live. I recently went to Australia and only went to the beach once because of it (getting stared at by people the whole time there) I feel like a freak and I can't bear it unfortunately. I feel hesitant to make new connections because of it and feel as though its ruining my life. I can't quite put into words just how bad both physically and mentally it is now.

Posted Thu 27 Apr 2023 23.33 by PrincessDi

Hi Ewan, I was there myself one time, it's a dark place. My psoriasis appeared at age 16 when I was a sophomore in high school. My parents had never heard of it nor had I. Even then it started out as a place on my elbow and then boom overnight pretty much all over. And as mean as people are teenagers are even worse and we all know how freakish it makes us feel, I would think most of us with this disease have been there. Don't give up on yourself, I didn't, I am now 51. What about different meds? Methatrexate, may not have spelled that right. I took three little pills a week and totally cleared but had to have liver panels monthly and back then my parents couldn't afford any of that. I have used light therapy but never really had good clearance and my scalp forget!! complete mess and you can't hide that under long sleeves. I am on Humira now, for about 5 years and Enbrel before that both are biologics, they have been the only meds that have kept me completely clear. I understand about how it can control your life because it is debilitating. Do you have a doc you can discuss new meds with? I live in the US and the biologics are being made affordable even if you actually can't afford them I don't know about there. Stress is a major trigger, and this may sound silly but try the cold showers or at least cooler especially for the last 2 to 3 minutes it does seem to make your skin feel less irritated and will help it from being so angry and dry. Keep your head up and stay positive, get out there and get someone to help you.

Posted Fri 28 Apr 2023 08.38 by psoriasis association (admin)Mod

Hi Ewan, We're so sorry to hear how much your psoriasis is impacting you at the moment. If you ever need more information or support, please get in touch with our helpline. You can get in touch by phone on 01604 251 620, email at or WhatsApp on 07387 716 439. Best wishes, Georgia, Psoriasis Association

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