Tip for dressing pustular psoriasis on feet

Posted Sun 29 Oct 2023 12.21 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

I'm currently about two months in to my first experience of pustular psoriasis covering the entirety of both feet. Slowly coming out the other side I hope due to Acitretin and Diprosalic ointment under occlusion at night. I have new clear skin appearing under the plaques and scabs. Needless to say the feet have been incredibly painful - like walking on a combination of paper cuts and raw blisters. We've been padding and dressing with conforming bandages and Smith and Nephew Xupad dressings, with occasional use of Durafiber silver for particularly raw areas. We've just discovered an easier solution - disposable nappies! Specifically swim pants although I'm sure others would do. I've got size 8 feet and they cover easily from heel to toe. Use the velcro tabs to secure around the toe and then wrap with a conforming bandage. Nice and comfortable and obviously absorbable for any ooze, and hypoallergenic.

Posted Sun 29 Oct 2023 20.13 by Sharon J. (edited Sun 29 Oct 2023 20.15 by Sharon J.)

Omg, poor you! Comparatively speaking, I only had just common, garden variety plaques on my feet and toes, and still it felt like walking on shards of glass. I cannot even imagine what it's been like for you. What a great idea you've come up with. I wish I'd known about it when mine was so out of control and bleeding (it's finally starting to get better, courtesy of Methotrexate initially and then Cosentyx). Thanks for sharing. Around the house, I did use sand booties (i.e. like for playing volley ball at the beach, which was another person's tip) with gel inserts when I had to slather my feet first with Vaseline and subsequently Vectical--yuck on both accounts!. Good luck to you, Kiloran. I'm so glad you found something that helped. I remember the feelings of discpiragement and helplessness well.

Posted Sun 29 Oct 2023 21.39 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Thanks. Yes it's been really tough going from an active summer of cycling and long walks in nature to being literally bedbound. Just hoping I'm coming to the end of the flare - the last of my original soles came off today and there's soft pink skin in its place. I have it on my hands too but that I can put up with by wearing gloves, losing your feet is utterly debilitating. At its worst a couple of weeks ago I was researching elective amputation! I genuinely wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy and I'm so grateful it's improving and that there's been breakthroughs in recent years. I have a cousin who's had "normal" psoriasis for 50 years and it's only now that he's on a biologic that it's reasonably under control. Currently walking around in a pair of Finding Nemo nappies!

Posted Thu 2 Nov 2023 15.06 by Nelly

I have had planter pustular psoriasis on the soles and heals of my feet for about 3years, wish I had come up with that idea, as I know how painful it is to walk. I found wrapping my feet in cling film with dovobet ointment helped. But I have just finished 3 months of PUVA light therapy at the hospital and I am now 90% clear, just got a tiny bit on my heals. I would definitely recommend this treatment if you can get it. Good luck 👍

Posted Thu 2 Nov 2023 16.19 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Thanks - I'm hoping to get PUVA started soon. How do they direct the light therapy to your feet? I'm expecting to get it for other areas too.

Posted Sat 4 Nov 2023 10.33 by Nelly

Hi kiloran It is like a large light box on the floor that you put your feet on, but they have other light equipment too, one of them is like a full sunbed to do the entire body, so I think you would have no problems. It is the best thing I have done 👍

Posted Tue 11 Mar 2025 16.51 by andersonpodiatry

For dressing pustular psoriasis on the feet, gently clean the area, apply a medicated cream as prescribed, and use a non-stick gauze to cover the lesions. Secure with hypoallergenic tape to prevent irritation. Always keep the feet clean and dry to reduce the risk of infection. Consult with a dermatologist for specific treatments and advice.

Posted Thu 13 Mar 2025 23.41 by ItGetsBetter (edited Thu 13 Mar 2025 23.41 by ItGetsBetter)
I won the lottery of 4 diseases and a slipped disk in one month. I'm always told that's the most extreme case I've seen. But chins Up!

I had the same thing during lock down. Believe me mine was worse as it also spread up my heals, sides of my feet and toes. The best I could do is using double "Zetuvit E" 10cmx20cm. and 10cm x 10cm on prescription. If your GP will not prescribe them get back to me and I had to fight hard. Foot wear is important too accommodate them. Clarke Shoes extra wide with special insole are a must.

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