Enstilar foam

Posted Fri 10 Feb 2017 19.01 by Toodlesoodles

Thanks for that response Lizzie. Regarding Exorex.. you say that works for you? How long does it take before you get results with it? I've got some and have twice tried using it but it just seems to make my psoriasis more dry (even if I moisturise the area 5 mins after using Exorex and numerous times throughout the day), more red and angry looking and also makes it quite tender to the touch too. I've read that it can make psoriasis look worse initially and that it can also take 4 weeks or so to work but as soon as I am due to go anywhere that makes me feel self-conscious about my psoriasis, I cave in and use Enstilar on the patches instead so I've never tried it any longer than

Posted Fri 10 Feb 2017 19.03 by Toodlesoodles

^^ Oops. (as I was saying) I've never tried it any longer than 8-9 days...

Posted Fri 10 Feb 2017 20.28 by Lizzie

Hi Toodlesoodles, I cant really remember how long it took last time for the exorex to work as its been a while - but i know it worked well when it worked. but like everything it soon loses efficacy. its a real pain!maybe keep trying it somehere where the Ps cant bee seen if you feel self conscious. I have never had such bad ps on my hands as in the last week and I am not sure what it can be but the only thing i have been using is Enstilar and hydromol - but then I have been using that all over and its made it better! oh the joys of PS! i might take a leaf from Peter w and try the light treatment again. good luck with the enstilar or exorex

Posted Fri 10 Feb 2017 23.12 by Toodlesoodles

Lizzie, I have noticed that sometimes right after using Enstilar that I feel a tingly, almost slightly burning sensation on my hands although it's around the first knuckles of my fingers where no Enstilar comes in to contact so I'm not sure why that is. However it doesn't manifest as anything visual on my hands and I've never *touch wood* suffered from P on my hands.

Posted Mon 13 Feb 2017 15.57 by Amyj153

A friend with P told me about Enstilar and said it was amazing so i went to my doctors and they prescribed me it and i found it really good. Once i finished it i then went back to the doctors who refused to prescribe me it again - giving the speech " its costs the nhs £40 for this". I felt myself boiling inside!!! im sorry but i pay my national insurance and i also pay £120 a year for my prescriptions surely that has to count for something right? Luckily i had an appointment with dermatology the week after and they couldn't believe i was refused so have forwarded a request to my doctors ha ha ha! Honestly keep trying as it is worth it :)

Posted Mon 13 Feb 2017 16.55 by michelle373
I have had psoriasis for 24 years.

I get so cross when that happens like you I pay for my prescriptions and always have and have always worked.I also buy a pre payment prescription card.So what if it costs £40 if it helps us with this horrible condition then we should be prescribed it.After all these doctors don't have to live with psoriasis.Stick to your guns like I did and refuse to leave until they give it to you!!.It has made a huge difference to me and has been the best thing I have ever used(I had P all over and I was itchy all over) I feel so much better about myself now.So dont take no for an answer and good luck!x

Posted Thu 16 Feb 2017 21.58 by RichardGH

I have had P for nearly 20 years and have had great difficulty in controlling. UV was best but only lasts for a few weeks once finished. Dovonex and Dovobet ruined clothing and did not clear it. Having read about Enstilar on the forum I asked my GP. He had never heard of it but found it. It was not banned by the CCG and he said only cost about £5 more than Dovobet Gel. I have now been using for 3 weeks and the improvement is incredible. Itching improved, plaques going and redness now clearing. GP has put it on my repeats. Those of you with GP problems should keep pressing them.

Posted Fri 17 Feb 2017 18.01 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

Had an excellent GP appointment today and told my GP about this. She was happy to prescribe it after a chat with the pharmacist while I wait for a derm referral. I'm in Aberdeen in case that helps anyone. Should be starting it on Monday so fingers crossed it works. Any idea if this stuff is just for plaques or if it can be used on guttate? I know often you're not to apply stuff to normal skin so wouldn't be surprised if this is the same. Damn, it's amazing the difference a good appointment can make, she literally couldn't have done more for me and was full of sympathy for how quickly my skin has turned on me. Feeling lots more positive.

Posted Sat 18 Feb 2017 12.09 by Gopher680

This worked for me really well at the start.but not so much now, my psoriasis is a lot worse been on light treatment since December, finishing on Monday not worked at all so another trip to see the dermatologist to see what else I can try I really hate this condition

Posted Sat 18 Feb 2017 16.16 by Carole

Hi, Yes i agree with Gopher68o, I started my Enstilar treatment hand and feet August and the first couple of months were a vast improvement. P came back with avengement during each Enstilar free period, Its a horrid disease, Hope its a different story for everyone else. I still use it for a period of 3 weeks with a fortnight break in between just to give me a week where my hands are almost normal, but to be honest I don't see that there is anything that can shift it now. Everything new works for a little while only. sorry to be so negative, just saying it as it is for me.

Posted Mon 20 Feb 2017 21.15 by thegrimreaper

Well I found this site a week ago on Sunday sat reading all of your comments on how well the Enstilar treatment is going for you all, I decided to go see my G.P. who had never heard of the stuff looked in his little book of meds found the price of it and seeing as I had used Dovobet without any luck said he would let me have some, he prescribed me 4 cans started the treatment a week ago today by Wednesday my face had completely cleared of the P so stopped using it on my face which is still clear continued using it on the rest of my body up to now used one can and the difference WOW cant believe how good this stuff is going to give my body a break for the next few days just to see how I go on. I have had Psoriasis for 47 years and gone through coaltar treatment light treatment Dovobet countless shirts and trousers even remember having coaltar spread on my legs and then being bound in bandages for about a week with no success now that stunk didnt work either I am so glad that I found this site and read all the messages thankyou all for voicing your comments for everyone to read Mark

Posted Mon 20 Feb 2017 21.52 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi Mark, So pleased that you've found some relief from Enstilar. Peter

Posted Tue 21 Feb 2017 02.24 by Amy (edited Tue 21 Feb 2017 02.25 by Amy)

Ive been using Enstilar for almost 2 weeks and it is absolutely amazing. This is the 3rd Rx that was prescribed for me with no results from the first 2. Can anyone tell me if it is truly a foam, mine seems to be more of a liquid even after I shake it really well before I use it. I also find it very hard to wash out of my hair, I'll take that as long as it continues to help 😃

Posted Tue 21 Feb 2017 07.12 by Lizzie

Enstilar had great results for me except I now have ps on my hands and scalp which I never had before. I was told to stop using for a while so I have but then it all comes back! Which seems to be a pattern. I wonder if it's worth alternating the treatment on a daily basis? Or use Enstilar and then on the off period use something else forevermore. I had really good results last year (before Enstilar) with beeswax somight try that - but nothing is effective forever so as ps sufferers looks like we have to keep changing treatments regularly. Also for years I had a coal tar and deemivate ointment prescribed which worked a treat - but gps can't prescribe any more so now have to seek out private prescription. Will let you know how I get on.

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 13.25 by Toodlesoodles

Lizzie, When you say you had good results from Beeswax, to what extent do you mean? Was it just a good moisturiser that relieved some scaling and itching or did you actually see improvement or clearance in the size/colour of the plaques? Thanks.

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 14.16 by Lizzie

Hi Toodlesoodle My skin wasn't severe but had red plaques which disappeared after using the beeswax ointment. After some time it also stopped working but I am going to give it another go as I haven't used it for A while

Posted Sat 25 Feb 2017 13.31 by RosetaStone

Enstilar will cause thinning of skin at the application site. Do not use in thin skin areas e.g arm pits, etc etc. Be very careful for scalp treatment. For scalp I use moisturisers and Enstilar, overnight on alternate days. GP's been to a recent drug conference and updated me. Enstilar’s effectiveness appears to be down to presence of high alcohol base in the drug, which makes it 100% bio-available at the site of application. This is not the case with Dovobet etc. The drug is now a regular prescription med at the GP for psoriasis patients. It delivers the drug effectively.

Posted Sat 25 Feb 2017 13.47 by Lizzie

Dear all, the doctor advises no further use after max of 4-8 weeks. I stopped and then PS came back and then I went back on too quickly - it hasn't been as effective so considering alternatives. It's great if it works for you and keeps the psoriasis at bay for a long time.

Posted Mon 27 Feb 2017 17.21 by Lizzie

Dear DiW I don't find Enstilar particularly greasy but since using it I notice that my PS is now on the back of my hands and scalp which I have never had. As detailed in my previous post I was advised to stop using it for a while and then go back on it later. In the meantime many ps returned. Not sure what to do next I used exorex which is ok but doesn't do the trick. I am now using a beeswax formula which has really helped - I was advised to use milk thistle so I am doing that as well as taking a turmeric capsule. In just a few days my ps doesn't look angry and is calming down. I don't know how this will develop - I have had really good results with beeswax last year. But like every treatment it only lasts a while! I am using all over my body and in desperation also on my scalp after shampooing with capasal - I am not sure yet have how this will fair but will let you know I would be interested to hear if anyone else has tried it and with what results? Do let me know and why don't you give it a go anyway. Did your biologics work? And do you only have it on your hands?

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2017 09.40 by DiW

Hi - if I don't take anything it severely affects my whole body, so biologic injections keep it at bay, except for my hands which are the worst with open sores and loads of deep splits. In order to be approved for biologics you have to jump through a lots of hoops and I had to leave it until it encompassed my whole body before I qualified. The cost is huge, hence how difficult it is to get approved. Sadly I have tried two different ones, Humira and Cosentyx but neither seem to be able to sort out my hands - it's so hard when you're hands are unusable :-( I'm pleased some people don't find it greasy, maybe I have a different dirmulation, but it really is like lard in a spray can and smells much worse.

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