Psoriasis in your fifties

Posted Fri 5 Jan 2024 09.56 by BernieVass
Post tension headaches and teenage exam stress and medication for it was the underlying stress but it was triggered by rotten antimalarials

50+ s do share your +ve tactic experience

Posted Fri 5 Jan 2024 09.58 by BernieVass (edited Fri 5 Jan 2024 10.19 by BernieVass)
Post tension headaches and teenage exam stress and medication for it was the underlying stress but it was triggered by rotten antimalarials

Suffered for 30+ years Caused by:crocodile Pooh Late teen Tension headaches&treatment School fire & witnessing school attacker in twilight Close physical contact to another sufferer Allergy to anti malarials after taking travelling immunizations too close together Stagnant water in yacht jacuzzi/pool Having to wash in really old bath Hash allergy discovered in university research Removing last stitch Post operation Back pack or heavy suitcase It runs in the family One of them

Posted Fri 5 Jan 2024 10.06 by BernieVass
Post tension headaches and teenage exam stress and medication for it was the underlying stress but it was triggered by rotten antimalarials

Some Or all of them

Posted Fri 5 Jan 2024 22.12 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Mine started at 52 after a bout of COVID.. Initially just some small minorly annoying plaques on trunk which morphed into Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis which is horrible. On Acitretin and PUVA, both of which I had minor adverse reactions to. Enstillar works brilliantly for me, clearing areas of scale in three to four days I use Diprosalic for thicker plaques - the salicylic acid does a good job of breaking them down Epimax ointment is fantastic for plaques and scale too - it gets under the edges of the plaques and lifts them off without risk of injury or bleeding.

Posted Sat 27 Jan 2024 08.29 by JoeyGee

Better than psoriasis in your school years. Full control over own diet and lifestyle choices. Less care factor about what other people think. Greater knowledge about the condition and what helps or harms.

Posted Sat 27 Jan 2024 12.30 by BernieVass
Post tension headaches and teenage exam stress and medication for it was the underlying stress but it was triggered by rotten antimalarials

Diets for psoriasis are great as is Enstillar cream

Posted Sun 28 Jan 2024 12.21 by Acrazydoglady

Enstilar would work for me, but as soon as I stopped using it, I had the most awful rebounds (just didn't know it at the time), as I got plaque psoriasis for the 1st time aged 50 (advised stress related), as previously had guttate 30 years previously. Following a primarily non processed food diet would show improvements & then wham bam another flare up. So 4 years later, I'm finding increasing my ellagic acid levels to promote my Akkermansia levels (under my talk about treatments) has been soo life changing so far! No more midnight itching hour - hooray, as this is not great for an insomniac, as I used to be up half the night itching.... What diet have you found helps?

Posted Mon 29 Jan 2024 03.51 by Clear

Listen...I wish somebody would research me. I had psoriasis for 40+ years. Tried everything. Finally scrubbed it with plain white vinegar. Noticed an improvement the next day. Continued scrubbing daily. Was clear in a week! Started to come back in a week or so. Scrubbed again. Clear now for 10 years. What happened?

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