Hopefully getting into recovery - advice on what recovery looks like

Posted Fri 2 Feb 2024 16.30 by Ryan

Hi, i have had psoriasis for about 15 years now and it was ok to start with but in the last 6 months had gotten so out of control it made me very conscious and i never show my arms or legs, my scalp got bad too My GP kept me on Dovobet for many many years and got immune to the effect i think, i have last year been suffering really bad and nothing seemed to be helping - think it was also due to an op i had to remove gallbladder since going back to docs they originally changed my dovobet to diprosalic but think this made it worse so went back and now i'm on a regime of Betnovate cream in morning then a calcipotriol ointment in evening (thats a Vitamin D ) within a week scales were gone - patches where plaques were remain but i hope they will becomes less noticeable over time, they have gone lighter at least - I also now use a sunbed once a week too - and have not drunk alcohol in 5 weeks for scalp i use oilatum shampoo been amazing and they also prescribed me betnovate scalp which has removed all and my scalp is best it has ever been has anyone else used this plan or something similar and have success stories, do the plaque marks go? does your skin go back to normal colour etc? Any advice is welcome

Posted Mon 5 Feb 2024 14.04 by Acrazydoglady

I'm sorry my journey is very different to yours, but when I first had psoriasis & got clear, yes my plaque marks did go, I only had the odd one or 2 tiny white patches left (ie you would have to be a doctor up close & personal inspecting my skin to visibly see them). That's great news that you've found something that works for you nowadays! I do agree it's very much trial & error & finding the right combination that works for you. Fabulous news & keep going!!

Posted Tue 6 Feb 2024 17.59 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Plaques fade from dark red to pale pink over time once the Calicipotriol has told them to shut up. That's what mine have done. Takes a while particularly in winter where you're not getting so much skin exposure.

Posted Tue 6 Feb 2024 22.41 by Ryan

Thank you everyone for the replies, I definitely think something is working and I haven't had any scales for about e weeks, skin feels smooth - the plaques do seem to be fading and turning a paler pink and not so red so that is good Will continue to do what I am doing and hopefully some more improvement over coming weeks / months and fingers crossed some disappear

Posted Sat 6 Jul 2024 19.29 by megnani

Recovery can mean different things depending on what you're aiming to recover from—whether it's health-related, addiction, or another challenge. Generally, it involves several key aspects: 1. **Acknowledgment and Acceptance:** Recognizing the need for change and accepting that it's a process. 2. **Support Network:** Building a supportive environment, which may include friends, family, support groups, or professional counselors. 3. **Setting Goals:** Defining clear, achievable goals that mark progress along the way. 4. **Self-Care:** Prioritizing physical, emotional, and mental well-being through healthy habits and activities. 5. **Learning and Growth:** Continuing to educate yourself about your condition or situation and developing coping strategies. 6. **Persistence:** Understanding that setbacks can happen and staying committed to the recovery journey. Would you like more specific advice related to a particular aspect of recovery?

Posted Mon 8 Jul 2024 10.26 by Seanie

Keeping your skin moisturized and avoiding known triggers can make a big difference.Stick with your current regimen, as it's showing positive results, and be patient, those plaque marks should continue to fade over time. Regular use of gentle skincare products, maintaining a healthy diet rich in omega-3s, and staying consistent with your treatments will help your skin gradually return to its normal color.

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