Anyone else about 100% sweater than others?

Posted Sun 11 Feb 2024 09.09 by mt382

I'm a very sweaty boy - it also aggrevates my skin, but I literally sweat buckets with minimal exertion. I was just wondering whether this was common in those with psoriasis or just my own personal problem 🤣

Posted Tue 13 Feb 2024 22.17 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

There is a sweat gland involvement in hand and foot psoriasis (Palmoplantar Pustulosis). Personally I've always been sweaty but I put that down to being overweight. My dad was the same but he was much fitter. Now that psoriasis has hit me I have noticed I'm sometimes a bit sweaty at rest - and I'm definitely not feeling the cold as much. For the whole winter I've been in shorts and t shirt and we've got a really draughty house.

Posted Thu 15 Feb 2024 13.59 by PrincessDi

Sounds like you may have an overactive thyroid I'm sure that the extra sweating keeps your skin aggravated. I hope you can find a resolution.

Posted Thu 15 Feb 2024 14.48 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Not wishing to tempt fate but the only place I've not had psoriasis is flexures, scalp and face, all areas where you tend to sweat the most. Thyroid function was normal at last test.

Posted Fri 16 Feb 2024 12.48 by mt382

Yeah, I've self diagnosed a million conditions (medical student), but all bloods are normal. I am also overweight, and so sadly unlikely to have hyperthyroidism. I also convinced myself I had a pheochromocytoma last year, but again no dice 🤣

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