Wow - join the research project on living with psoriasis, regarding diet and body weight....

Posted Fri 16 Feb 2024 09.29 by Acrazydoglady

hi all - I'm always glued to research projects on here, and I never seem to qualify for them, but how fabulously fantastic to be a part of this one!! Research shows that a small amount of weight loss may improve psoriasis and is also likely to reduce the risk of related conditions, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. "We hope to chat about your experiences and opinions of weight change, diet and your skin." I've sent a plea to see if I can be involved - ha ha!! As despite being prediabetic, I'm only a size 8-10 - so I obviously have lots of internal fat instead of it being visible and also have to increase my cardio exercise - I'm not sure if this is all linked to my car accident injury, when I struggled to walk for 4 years in my 40s.....

Posted Fri 16 Feb 2024 12.32 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Interesting! Although being bed and wheelchair bound mostly is going to make exercise tricky for me! I've somehow lost weight since September but I think that's probably down to muscle wastage - I was cycling and walking before all this so had big leg muscles.

Posted Fri 16 Feb 2024 14.33 by Acrazydoglady

@kiloran - there is absolutely no mention of exercise in their post, so please definitely consider getting in contact - as they may also offer you food for thought on this very topic - that you might not have previously considered?! On my anti-inflammatory diet to clear my erythrodermic skin, which I expected to be chockablock with autoimmuners like me, when it was actually overwhelmed with failed yo-yo dieters - you lose weight (ie fat not muscle) on the 12 week programme, and you don't do any exercise whilst you're on it! It's made everything taste incredible, like when you're overseas on holiday! So it may well be fat you're losing you know! Stress of what you're dealing with can also cause weight loss - not just gain!

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