Girlfriend has psoriasis

1 Posted Mon 22 Aug 2016 00.30 by Pmckeown2

So my girlfriend of 6 months has psoriasis and its full body bar her face. She always wears long sleeve tops and trousers wherever she goes and is very concious of it. Recently she had a bad flare up and with it being summer she does get quite depressed with not being able to wear summery clothes like everyone else. She is also still very concious of it around me and especially when we are getting intimate because obviously it's on her legs and she completely freaked out when I looked down at her legs, I wasn't looking at her psoriasis because as I've said to her since we starting going out that I love her so much and it honestly doesn't bother me even in the slightest and while for her sake it would obviously be great if it went away I hope it does but if it never did then honestly I wouldn't care. We've talked about it before abit together but after she freaked out about me seeing it she refused to talk about it and more or less just wanted to be left alone even though I just tried to explain to her that I don't care about it at all. Just wondering if anyone else on here has been in similar situations before and what you done to help your partner? I just want her to feel comfortable in her own body and wish it didn't depress her. And I want her to be completely comfortable around me when it comes to her skin. I love her very much and any help would be appreciated Thanks

Posted Mon 22 Aug 2016 22.39 by Sara12 (edited Mon 22 Aug 2016 22.43 by Sara12)
Hi all!! Diagnosed as a young teen 16 years ago, looking to share experiences and tips xx

Hiya, as a girl with Psoriasis I can see how your girlfriend feels. Its great that you don't care about it and love her regardless however she wont feel that way. My advice to you is to act like its not there unless of course she wants to talk about it. Don't over do it with the compliments trying to make her feel better we see straight through those lol. I wish her all the best and hope you continue to be as supportive as you sound xx

Posted Thu 8 Sep 2016 17.24 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

Hi,here's a guy's view,I agree,just don't think of it,treat her normal,when's she's had time she might open up and even joke around about it a bit as me and mine do,it helps believe it or not,beyond that,don't overdo the compliments as they may seem false if too often.....don't be afraid to hold and touch her anywhere too,she might direct you away at first as she will be self conscience but after awhile you will both get comfortable,I'm sure you have but Google the hell out of it so you know and understand what P is,she might find that helpful and caring to.most of all,let her be in control of what she does and days about the condition,it takes us awhile to be 100% with even our nearest and dearest.x

Posted Thu 8 Sep 2016 18.08 by Sara12
Hi all!! Diagnosed as a young teen 16 years ago, looking to share experiences and tips xx

Totally agree with Obi! I have a lot on my upper arms and when my other half would rub my arm i would freak out and move him, now im over it and let him get on with it lol.

Posted Fri 9 Sep 2016 05.20 by bubblyboo

You can visit the following URL, and I guess it helps

Posted Tue 20 Sep 2016 07.42 by Susan

It's a tricky one, when we have flair ups it really affects how you feel as a person. When I meet my husband of 6 years I was pretty much clear on my body, bar my scalp and a few spots here and there I could manage, I had a flair up that only lasted 3/4 weeks as the docs sent me for light treatment & that worked well 2yrs in but at the moment I'm covered and having a busy life with kids & a new job it's been 4 weeks and I haven't even got to the doctors 😫 However my point is to tell you how I feel as a woman.. I feel like I don't want my husband to have a wife that looks like this, I don't feel like being intimate at all when it really flairs up, I feel very low, all I would say to you is stick by her, if you love her just take each day as it comes, if there is a way you can help like picking up her creams from the docs or googling natural ways to help she should find that indearing I'm sure, but just give her time is key, it really messes with your self confidence, it's sore, it Itches & its on our minds nearly 24/7, good luck, I wish my husband could read this as I'm to insecure to tell him how I feel myself. All the best to us all with this horrible skin condition called psoriasis xx

Posted Wed 21 Sep 2016 07.33 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

I agree Susan,little things help in a relationship,won't cure but help our heads,a little understanding goes a long way I think.x

Posted Fri 30 Sep 2016 21.44 by wendizzle92
24, Psoriasis warrior since the age of 7.

Hi I'm in the same situation but I'm on the same side as your girlfriend. I have psoriasis everywhere and my partner is exactly the same as you, he's so supportive and doesn't care what my skin looks like, he loves me for me but just the same as your girlfriend I freaked out at first, I covered up all the time and got really depressed about it. I hated being naked and did everything not to be as much as possible, Give her time to adjust as you said you've been together six months so relationship is still pretty new also. That might be part of it, trust me I know. Just keep being as supportive as you are but don't push her, give her compliments, tell her she's beautiful. One thing my partner did was everytime I got down/sad/ moaned about it he'd kiss a different part of it and believe it or not it worked. Good luck and don't be afraid to rant whenever you feel the need x

Posted Fri 30 Sep 2016 22.22 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

Support is the key,those close people are what help the mental side of our problem.....positivity is key,it's basically less stress and that's chemical which is part of the auto immune our partners love us,let them in and let go.........or at least try.x

Posted Fri 30 Sep 2016 23.22 by wendizzle92
24, Psoriasis warrior since the age of 7.

yeah thats right, like obviously as a woman with psoriasis i completely understand how hard it is, it takes a while but letting people in can be done x

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 10.35 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

The older you get,the smaller your circle of true friends becomes,this can certainty help state of mind,people who care about us,don't care about what might be wrong with us,in so far to doesn't change their feelings and relationship with us' The older I get and I'm not old!.....has made me realise that the mental fight is just as important as the physical with this disease.x

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 20.38 by wendizzle92
24, Psoriasis warrior since the age of 7.

I've realised this, when i was younger i had such a good support system that it never really bothered me but as i grew up and had a family of my own my mental state was definitely affected x

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 20.55 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

Always surround yourself by positive people,easier said than done I know!...

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 21.07 by wendizzle92
24, Psoriasis warrior since the age of 7.

Haha recently ive got rid of alot of people in my life, i can count my friends on one hand and thats how i like it

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 21.09 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

Hi five that girl!

Posted Fri 7 Oct 2016 09.57 by wendizzle92
24, Psoriasis warrior since the age of 7.

Haha makes life so much simpler doesn't it!

Posted Fri 7 Oct 2016 12.36 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!


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