Vitamin D

Posted Fri 22 Mar 2024 00.47 by KCsufferer

Given the importance of Vitamin D (3) on our Immune systems, wondering what experience people have had with taking "optimal" levels of Vitamin D and the affect this has had on their Psoriasis ?

Posted Sun 19 May 2024 08.34 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 23 May 2024 06.37 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I have taken Vit-D supplements, but for ME they did not appear to make any difference to my psoriasis. I did however use a vitamin-E "night-cream" intense moisturiser (from Body Shop) on my elbows where I have plaque psoriasis. It cleared those psoriasis patches/plaques completely. An emollient helped keep the elbows from flaking, but did not actually clear anything. I have used calcipotriol ointment (Dovonex) whcih is a vitamin D derived analogue. It helped but not as effectively as when fomulated together with a steroid (Dovobet).

Posted Mon 20 May 2024 09.58 by Psoriasis Association (Admin)Mod

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Posted Mon 20 May 2024 17.52 by BigA1988 (edited Mon 20 May 2024 17.54 by BigA1988)

I’ve been supplementing vitamin D for around 2 years now after discovering I had a vit d deficiency below 12, which is considered severe. I supplemented with different doses. I tried 2000iu a day, all the way to 30,000 iu a day. I’m still waiting to get my levels rechecked, and I believe I hit a limit as I started showing symptoms of hypercalcemia, which is too much calcium in the blood, and can be caused by too much vitamin D. I believe 10,000 a day suited me well, and I should have stuck to that. In terms of my skin, I noticed an improvement when using it along side Enstilar foam, I was 99% clear at one point, then it came back with a vengeance, but it hasn’t reformed in the same way, before I had large patches of my body covered, now it’s spots all over my body. But I would advise to get your levels checked as I’ve noticed many other Benefits since getting my vit d levels up. My teeth feel better and stronger and my acid reflux has basically disappeared. And I’m hardly ever ill now, when before, I used to be sick all the time. But unfortunately no significant improves to my skin.

Posted Tue 21 May 2024 16.33 by Robert Davis

Would more or less amplify what others say. When I had my vit D levels measured they were the lowest my doctor had seen; I am on oral tablets for 500% RDA in summer and 1000% in winter, which seems to leave me with typical levels in my blood. I can't say it's obviously helped my psoriasis though, and have supplemented it with calcipotriol solution (discontinued) and calcitriol ointment, which are basically vitamin D delivered where it's needed.

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