
Posted Fri 3 May 2024 17.20 by Chris7319

Hi everyone i am currently taking aciterin i have only been on it a few weeks my psoriasis is not as flaky but still bright red. However whilst i was at my dermatologist appointment earlier she said i more than qualify for biologics however she did tell me there is a massive risk with this. This medication can bring on cancer and is an immune suppressant. It really worries me. Has anyone had any issues whilst taking this? And is the risk worth the reward.

Posted Fri 3 May 2024 17.38 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Surely got to be better than acitretin.

Posted Thu 30 May 2024 16.08 by Kirstmcp

Hi, The way it was explained to me was, in earlier biologic drugs there had been thought to have been an association with increased risk of cancer, the data for those mainly came for biologics to treat rheumatoid arthritis but further studies are showing there is little statistical data to support that theory. Just having psoriasis alone as an autoimmune condition increases your likelihood of getting cancer at some point in your lifetime and probably a bit more if you've had years of light therapy on top of that. I take Tremya if has been transformational in treating my psoriasis, my skin is currently completely clear, with barely any side effects and life is good. it is a serious medication and requires 6 monthly blood test to ensure liver is still coping ok. I tried Acitretin many moon ago, all my eyelashes fell out and I never got clear skin, just red flake less skin. After that was methotrexate, several chest infections later. I then had fumaderm which was great but only worked until covid injection seemed to change how it worked. recently Himera which wasn't for me, worst skin flare up in a decade and now Tremya. I think the biggest risk with all biologics is your immune system is compromised and you will be more susceptible to infections - so illnesses will be more severe, last longer and be harder to get under control. You need to try to do as much research as you can and make an informed decision weighing up the pro's and cons. For me having clear skin, being able to wear a swimming costume in public, buying an outfit for my son's wedding with short sleeves and just generally feeling 'normal' for the first time in years make it worth it for me. Good luck I hope you find something that works for you

Posted Thu 30 May 2024 20.20 by Chris7319

Thanks for sharing its so tough living with this for all of us. I am the most dressed person at work at all times i always get arent you hot yes i am baking but i dont want to look at my skin so i definitely dont want to show it to work people. I am going to tenerife in a few weeks and i am dreading it wearing trousers the whole holiday not going in the pool its going to be horrible. I am leaning more towards using biologics i have been on aciterin for about 5 weeks 30mg a day its stopped me being flakey but i am bright red i wouldnt say its working that well to be honest. I was hoping it would clear me but so far no good

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