
Posted Tue 11 Jun 2024 13.10 by Shrimperjess

Went to see the dermatology team today and due to how serious mine is I've been given the option of trying Ciclosporin. Has anyone had this what side effects did you have and how long did it take to work?

Posted Wed 12 Jun 2024 10.29 by GoddersB

Wow, you have a team - lucky you. I just see a single dermatologist. I am scheduled to start taking ciclosporin soon so it would be interesting to compare notes, as it where. All the best and apologies that I can't be more specific.

Posted Wed 12 Jun 2024 20.21 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Cyclosporine was great in treating my P. Noticable improvement in a few weeks. As far as side effects, unfortunately I suffered high BP, hypertension, nausea and tingly fingers. Of course not every patient suffers the same. This is used as a short term treatment maybe up to a year, then move onto something else. Good luck.

Posted Wed 12 Jun 2024 20.35 by GoddersB

Why do people call it P rather than Psoriasis? Is it hard to spell perhaps?

1 Posted Thu 13 Jun 2024 08.41 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

@ godders, you get hung up on that. What if someone is dyslexic, it may be difficult.? Maybe stick to the question rather picking on minor grammar.

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2024 09.04 by Psoriasis Association (Admin)Mod

Hi All, As a reminder, please can we be mindful of the language we use with one another. The forums are a peer-to-peer network for users to share advice and personal experiences. Please be respectful of one another’s views. Insulting and/or abusive language towards other forum users will not be tolerated. Kind Regards, Admin

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2024 13.50 by GoddersB

Quite correct, it was a genuine question and was asked as such.

Posted Sun 7 Jul 2024 22.08 by angelyouth

Hi there - I used cyclosporine for a solid 2 years, I’m 36 and have waves of my psoriasis being terrible and sometimes it gives me a bit of a break. I only intended to take it through summer 2022 to try and give me a bit of clearance but it worked so well and I didn’t have any side effects I essentially stayed on it (few weeks break here and there) for nearly 2 years, I would say the only noticeable side effect for me was painful tingly fingers when my hands we cold. I play guitar for a living so I have to say it did become an issue at times, but really in the scale of it - it was NOTHING compared to the joy I experienced of not having to worry, it cleared up in a few weeks and worked for a long time, I will say it finally stopped working recently (March) and on came a huge outbreak which I am still battling. But long message short - cyclosporine, go for it 👊🏽

Posted Mon 8 Jul 2024 08.19 by OhNo_NotAgain?

@GoddersB : regarding referring to psoriasis as P . . . . . I access this forum on a laptop, I am quite comfortable typing "psoriasis" or "psoriatic arthritis". However if I were using a smartphone, in general I hate writing long text on a smartphone, and although I never use "textspeak", I might be happy to use P or PSA for the two conditions rather than to type the full words. Maybe this is why others do it, or simply to type less/save time.

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