
Posted Tue 25 Jun 2024 21.03 by karenlw

Hello, has anyone had experience of taking this medication? I have recently had UVB light therapy, which has had an adverse affect on my skin and has caused my skin to produce tiny red spots which are apparently a different type of psoriasis to the plaque psoriasis I's awful. I am told that cyclosporine should bring my immune system back to normal. I am worried as the side effects are lots, but my skin is a mess, way worse than it was. What are people's experiences of this medication Karen x

Posted Thu 11 Jul 2024 15.18 by Seanie

My cousin went through a similar situation with her psoriasis. She had UVB light therapy, which unfortunately caused her skin to break out in tiny red spots, diagnosed as guttate psoriasis, different from her usual plaque psoriasis. She was really worried about the side effects when her doctor recommended cyclosporine, but her skin had become so bad that she decided to give it a try. Within a few weeks of starting cyclosporine, she noticed a significant improvement. The red spots began to fade, and her overall skin condition improved a lot. She did experience some side effects, like increased hair growth and occasional headaches, but these were manageable compared to the distress her psoriasis was causing. She had regular check-ups and blood tests to monitor her kidney function and blood pressure, which was a bit of a hassle but necessary.

Posted Thu 11 Jul 2024 15.26 by karenlw

thank you so much for taking the time to reply, that sounds reassuring. I am about to start any day now (issues getting the stock in) I'm glad you cousin had good results and hope they continue to see this improvement x

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