I would like to talk about mobility problems, as it's really a huge issue for me. I feel I don't belong to any obvious disabled category. It's an invisible impairment, and for now it's not a definitive impairment, it's pain. Meds are'nt enough for now, and I'm tired of waiting. I used to love running but now I walk the bare minimum, due to psoriasis attacking my feet, and this "minimum" mobility is just not ok. I am somewhat defiant of pain meds (tramadol used to be very helpful until it wasn't, and it's addictive, and my liver is sending a few disagreement signals ). I am wondering about a wheelchair. Do you have mobility issues? How do you cope with these ? Do you have a wheel chair or have you ever thought about requiring a wheel chair?
Posted Tue 27 Aug 2024 19.18 by Billy bass
Sorry to hear about your problems with your health,you need to be seen by your doctor then specialists who should advice you on your needs,note i said should but in most cases ive seen it doesnt happen,its pain meds gabapebtin ect,physio,pain management ect,sorry to say this but the state of the n.h.s at the moment is dire and help is in short supply for any psoriasis problems even a shortage of skin cream has i found out took 4 months to require some,just keep asking your gp and any over services your offered for help and advice on what your going through"
Posted Wed 28 Aug 2024 09.48 by Al
Thank you very much for your reply. I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties, shortages especially is a very distressing situation. I live in France actually, and we are also suffering from shortages, but, but we do not have any such forum, due to moderation and information control concerns. You're right about pain management. I was prescribed tramadol, it has been working for a year, and became insufficient. Before that I had to quit NSAID treatments because of a persistant inflammation in my stomach (more pain and things that came with it). Now my liver enzymes are not so good. Plus, all these pain treatments make me sleepy dizzy and quite absent-minded. I really don't think pain meds are an option especially not at work. Also, even with pain meds, I'm always still in pain, somehow... It seems worse when I put my weight on my feet, so I quit walking, not so good. With my immunosuppressant I do get relief when I sit. I had one walk a month ago without any pain... But I also still get some huge inflammations sometimes and then I cannot walk for ... I don't know , weeks. That's how I came to the conclusion that I probably needed a wheel chair, that it was by far preferable to an opioid addiction. And keep exercising but in peaceful and adapted situations...
Posted Wed 28 Aug 2024 17.20 by Billy bass
Keep exercising as best you can manage,an old saying stop and you drop a little is better than nothing,but has you say nobody knows your body better than you so i would look into walking aids first then a wheelchair,its your decision on whats best for you at the end of the day you want a comfortable life, i wish you well and hope you get things sorted soon !