Posted Wed 9 Oct 2024 16.21 by
Hi everyone, 34yr old female, I am being started on Methotrexate to help combat my psoriasis as no other treatments are working. Just looking to read about other people’s experience using the medication. And if anyone has advice on vitamins etc as I forgot to ask the consultant if I can continue using them, I use apple cider vinegar gummies, vitamin b12 gummies, collagen powder diluted in water, and combination vitamin d3 + k2 which my gp said was a good start for helping but obviously we didn’t know I was going to end up on the methotrexate, anyone else take supplements? Any info would be greatly appreciated
Posted Wed 9 Oct 2024 17.01 by RoseL
Hi Sheryl, I do hope the methotrexate helps you. I found it very useful for my psoriatic arthritis and was on it for over four years. I was initially taking tablets and later doing subcutaneous injections. I can honestly say I never had any problems with it despite initial misgivings. I always took / administered at bedtime and took a folic acid tablet, prescribed by my specialist, every day except during the 24 hour period following the methotrexate. If your doctor hasn't prescribed folate, chase him up as it will help you to avoid any possible side effects. I took / take similar supplements to yourself with the addition of calcium as I have osteoporosis. I never had a problem with interactions. My only word of warning is to be careful on the B12. I took it routinely as I am vegetarian but it started to accumulate to concerning levels in my liver causing the doctors to wonder of I had liver problems. Stopping the supplement saw my levels gradually reduced to normal levels. I really get great results with the medication. Best wishes, Rose
Posted Wed 9 Oct 2024 17.11 by
Thank you so much for your reply, I will ask the consultant when I go back to see her it just slipped my mind today as there was so much information to take in
Posted Wed 9 Oct 2024 17.19 by RoseL
Absolutely. It's always worth taking another pair of ears along with you just to take in the bits you miss!