New to Palmoplantar Pustulosis

Posted Thu 7 Nov 2024 14.22 by Kimlenoak

Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with Palmoplantar Pustulosis. It started on my right hand at the end of April and throughout the summer has spread to my left hand and both my feet. It is more and more painful everyday and each morning I wake up with pustules covering both hands! I gave up smoking in July but did move onto vaping which I’ve stopped this week in hopes for some improvement. I start PUVA light treatment tomorrow twice a week for 15 weeks and I’m just looking for some positive stories with this treatment! I don’t know anyone with the same condition and so people find it hard to relate to the pain you are in! I just want to know there is light at the end of the tunnel!!

Posted Thu 7 Nov 2024 23.21 by Nelly

Hi I can give you some positive news, I suffered with the same condition on both my feet for over 2 years. After trying every cream and steroid cream, I eventually had PUVA treatment at the hospital, I finished my treatment in October last year and fingers crossed 🤞 I have been clear. The dermatologist at the hospital also prescribed QV cream moisturiser and flexitol heal balm 25% Urea, to use after treatment.. Good luck 👍

Posted Fri 8 Nov 2024 09.01 by Kimlenoak

Hi Nelly, Thanks so much for your positive story! It’s just what I needed today! I am glad to hear you are still clear!

Posted Tue 25 Feb 2025 19.07 by Slarti

My PPP first appeared in October 2022. It's only been in remission once and usually steroid cream sorts it out. It was on both of my hands initially but now only on my left-hand. Sore hands all the time and constantly wearing a glove has been my way of living with it. I remember being totally freaked out at the thought of suffering with this for the rest of my life, but, here I am. We are all strong people because we have no choice. Anyway, recently used Vaseline to moisturise and I'm astounded by the result. No more sore palm and it appears to be improving. I'd like to add that this product also got rid of a wart, from under my eye, that had grown over the years.

Posted Sat 22 Mar 2025 03.41 by ItGetsBetter
I won the lottery of 4 diseases and a slipped disk in one month. I'm always told that's the most extreme case I've seen. But chins Up!

I've also suffered for 5 years on my feet and hands. In that time I've learnt that my major outbreaks happen during heat waves. When we have a bad summer it doesn't happen.

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