Time of the year

Posted Sat 8 Oct 2016 11.06 by Grizzly Bear
Got P in 1990 when serving in forces. Got diagnosed with PA late early this year. Using Stelara 90 mg.

Good morning my fellow P sufferers. It's that time of the year that i suffer badly with P flare up's because of the weather getting cooler. I'm on stelara, 90mg every 12 weeks which is a good drug in helping clear up my P but i've only started it this year and every year since i've had P, October / November for me makes my P flare up. I had my stelara injection about 2 weeks ago but i've noticed that my P and my guttate are flaring up instead of getting better. Might have to phone my derm doc on monday and see what he says ? Does anyone else suffer badly at this time of the year or is it just me ? Probably just me lol.. Happy scratching folks lol GB

Posted Sun 9 Oct 2016 11.10 by wendizzle92
24, Psoriasis warrior since the age of 7.

I think most of us suffer due to weather getting cooler and skin drying out quicker, i know i suffer, esspecially with chapped lips lol as the cool air chaps them it then turns into P! haha!

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2016 17.09 by sjp123

I am suffering now after being relatively clear it's gone bang. Although I've had P for 50 yrs I still get down when it comes back. I don't want to look at it. What I can't fathom is it comes out overnight and takes ages to go. I hate doing the ointments I am grumpy about it I know but it's a bike disease to have

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2016 17.16 by sjp123

That should say VILE disease predective text grrrr

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