Hello everyone.
To give you a background I've had arthritis officially since 2009 in my right wrist. Had a few flare ups and been on lots of different tnf medications.
However the past 6 months or so has been HELL. I now have it in both ankles both knees as well as right wrist.
I work as a cleaner and by the end of the morning I'm in so much pain. By the end of the day I'm.usually crying on my way home. Then I can't sleep due to the sharp, burning pain sensations.
I wake up in the morning feeling horrendous yet have to get up for work.
My rhuematologist has said my treatment hasn't worked and I'm now just starting a new drug. I've hit rock bottom. Worried about finances, dreading having to get up for work, already in pain.
I'm literally broken and just needed to get it out to people who get it.
Thanks all x
Posted Thu 13 Mar 2025 05.04 by Billy bass
Lots of us know what your going through its not good,but there is help out there talk to your gp tell them how you feel dont hold back, i was put on strong pain killers (gabapentin) took alot of getting used too but thay work,also talk to your rumatologist about how you feel,it affects you mentally and physicaly unfortunately things been has thay are its a low priority condition thats why you need to really get across how you feel and get the help,there is finacial help also,but its hard getting it but ask and put in for it even if you work,good luck your not alone keep updating on here others will help you !
Thanks Billy.
Yes, I will be asking my rheumatologist for strong pain relief , my inflammatory markers are really high at the minute so tbat probably has a lot to do with it.
The fatigue is awful too, you feel exhausted when you wake up to face the day!
1Posted Fri 14 Mar 2025 01.54 by ItGetsBetter I won the lottery of 4 diseases and a slipped disk in one month. I'm always told that's the most extreme case I've seen. But chins Up!
If your a cleaner I take it your also getting Universal credit? If your job is causing you too much pain you can apply for "limited to work"
I had to resign from my job for the same reasons and I get and extra £300 per month on my universal credit
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