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23 September 2020

New Parliamentary Report on Mental Health and Skin Published

The report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin (APPGS) reveals a worrying lack of mental health support for people living with psoriasis and other conditions which affect the skin.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin (APPGS) has published the findings from its latest inquiry into mental health and skin. The new report has identified serious gaps in mental health support for people with psoriasis and other conditions which affect the skin, and made a number of recommendations to help improve services.

The report contains contributions from leading doctors specialising in dermatology and mental health, patient organisations including the Psoriasis Association, and specialist groups, the British Association of Dermatologists, the Primary Care Dermatology Society, and the British Dermatological Nursing Group. It also contains evidence provided by over 500 people who are living with different conditions which affect the skin (including 177 who are living with psoriasis).

The Psoriasis Association supports the recommendations from the report which, if implemented, will lead to much-needed improvements in the quality of and access to psychological support for people who are living with psoriasis and other conditions which affect the skin. This will build on the strong foundations already laid by initiatives such as our PsoWell training programme which has helped equip dermatology specialists and health and clinical psychologists with new skills to empower their patients to live better with psoriasis.

You can read the full report here

What is the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin?

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Skin (APPGS) is a Parliamentary group which aims to increase understanding about skin care issues in Parliament and achieve improvements in the treatment and management of people with conditions which affect the skin.

Membership of the group includes MPs and members of the House of Lords from all political parties, as well as healthcare professionals, patient groups (including the Psoriasis Association), and industry. The Group is currently chaired by Sir Edward Leigh MP.

You can find out more about the APPGS here.