Elizabeth's Story
Elizabeth has lived with plaque psoriasis for as long as she can remember but a series of throat infections also triggered guttate psoriasis. In her story, she talks about how she lives with psoriasis now.

However, when I was 17 I had a series of throat infections which caused a severe flare up of guttate psoriasis. This appeared all over my body, including my face. Whilst my confidence plummeted significantly, I was incredibly lucky to have such amazing and supportive friends and family around me. This helped me to stay positive and continue to leave the house and do the things I love! I had light therapy treatment which helped suppress the condition.
I’m now 22 and I have recently just had another flare up, caused by another series of infections. Winter definitely doesn’t help! Whilst I tried natural methods, I have found light therapy is the quickest solution!
I continue to fight the impacts of psoriasis everyday and not let it get the better of me. I am slowly starting to learn what is good for my body, which is helping my feel stronger physically and mentally!