
Chloe faced a long waiting time before having her psoriasis diagnosis confirmed. Now, six months on, she's seen a huge improvement.

Medical student, Ananya, first noticed her psoriasis in 2022. She shares her story.
PlaqueScalpAdultBody imageLifestyleLifestyle changeMental healthStressUniversityWork & employment

After being diagnosed in 2022, Emily decided to get to the root cause of what was causing her psoriasis flares.

Dev's tried many treatments whilst living with psoriasis for over 10 years, even travelling to India in the search for solutions. He shares his story this Psoriasis Awareness Week.
PlaquePustularAdultYoung adultItchJoint painLifestyleMental health

Harry is sharing his story this Psoriasis Awareness Week after living with psoriasis for 6 years. He talks about how he manages his stress levels which is his biggest trigger.
Facial psoriasisGuttatePlaqueAdultBody imageCommunityLifestyleMental healthStress