Lauren's Story

Lauren has lived with suspected psoriasis all her life, but after having a big flare up this year, she is now trying different treatment options. She tells her story.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had some sort of skin condition.

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Albeit very mild and localised to my scalp, I just can’t remember being “clear.” But the honest truth is that I would go back to that time in a heartbeat.

October 2021, I noticed small patches appearing across my arms and legs. I started applying creams, changed my washing detergent and all those things you’d expect to have to do when there’s an issue with your skin. Fast forward to June 2024, and my skin is now officially the worst it’s ever been. I don’t know what my “triggers” are... Could it be bouts of tonsillitis? Trauma injuries? Life events? I don’t know and I am not sure I ever will.

Once I realised I could not self resolve my issue, I accepted that I needed a little help to get it under control. I spent a few months under the care of my GP who confirmed I was suffering from Chronic Psoriasis. We tried and tested many combinations of creams and ointments, none of which were stabilising the condition.

I was then referred to my local dermatology department within the hospital. I waited over a year. Over a year to self manage something that was getting out of control, was causing me sleepless nights and overall made my mood plummet to an all time low. I didn’t want to leave the house. I gained weight, fell out of love with myself and the thought of having to go out and socialise was crippling because I just wanted to hide away. I would pray for rain and clouds so I could cover up and wear coats and hoodies. Plans being cancelled became a relief and my winter wardrobe was a firm favourite, even during the summer months! I’m very much alive, but having a chronic disease has cost me years of my life in multiple ways.

June 2024 - I finally started treatment! UVB Phototherapy, 3 times weekly. It was likely Christmas had come early! In total, I had 25 sessions and besides pigmentation, I was basically clear come the end. I felt like a new woman! I had spent years hiding this part of me. Besides close family and friends, no one knew. I was finally able to do things I deemed impossible for years and I couldn’t be more grateful. I often tell people that it “Gave me back a little bit of Loz confidence that was lost along the way” and I still stand by that.

Unfortunately, less than 2 weeks after finishing UVB treatment, I started to relapse. I have now been referred back to my Dermatology Consultant to discuss next steps which is looking like Methotrexate. We had already touched on this but I had hoped and prayed it wouldn’t come to it, but we have and I’m starting to accept that it is ok.

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I always thought I was alone when it came to life with a Chronic Disease, but my own research and through Psoriasis UK, I’ve learnt that I am very much part of a community and it’s heart warming to read others similar stories.

What the future holds for me and this debilitating condition is unknown, but one thing is for sure... I won’t be going down without a fight. It’s repeatedly knocked me down, but I am straight back up and we go again. I am no longer living with an autoimmune disease, it’s living with me and therefore, my rules apply!