Liv's Story

Liv has had psoriasis flare ups since the age of 8. She shares her story.

I first started getting psoriasis on my scalp from the age of 8 when I went on holiday abroad with my family.

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This seemed to have cleared away and we kept it under control, but in 2014 I had a bad flare up after a bout of Strep throat which resulted me of going to the doctors and they diagnosed me with guttate psoriasis. I was given different creams with tar in, steroid creams as well as moisturising creams like Double base gel etc. but the only thing that seemed to help ultimately was the sun. This flare up lasted for about 12 months until I got it under control and the patches had disappeared, but I still suffered with it in my hair and ears.

After this, I was suffering with tonsillitis for at least 6 years with around 3 x bouts every year until 2020. But I didn’t seem to have a bad flare up after the one in 2014, I’m not sure why. I found that if I was stressed, I would have the odd patch on my arm, but nothing compared to when I first had a flare up.

Fast forward to now, I had a bout of tonsilitis back in July 2024 last year after 4 years of not getting it, and this flared my psoriasis up only on my shoulders and arms, and it did start to fade away around November 2024.

However, I have had tonsillitis since in January 2025 and this has made my skin flare up bad.

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This has knocked my confidence completely as it has come on my face and I’ve never really suffered with psoriasis on my face. My ears are covered as well as my scalp, these are the itchiest places by far. My arms are covered but the patches seem to be getting bigger as the days go by. I can see little spots appearing on my stomach, neck and legs too. I have attached pictures.

I have been to the doctors, and they have prescribed me with different steroid cream and a new scalp shampoo as well as an ointment.

I feel embarrassed and to be on show, I hate leaving the house to have to come to work, I think I feel like this more as I can’t hide my face and make up doesn’t hide it either. I am hoping once the warmer weather comes around it will start to clear up as this seems to be the only thing that helps me.

I feel that with this skin condition it’s very hard mentally to cope with because it impacts your day to day life. Hopefully my story will help those who suffer and for them to know that they aren’t alone.