Stacey's Story

Stacey has lived with psoriasis since the age of 14 and recently shaved her head to try and improve her scalp psoriasis. She shares her story.

My story starts when I was 14, I had a small patch of psoriasis on my wrist.

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I thought nothing of it and never thought I would get it even though my mother has it. Well how wrong was I? I was 16 and covered head to toe in scales, I had treatment at my local hospital for a long time, I had day cases of creams and ointments and UV treatment sessions and it helped, I had a few years of being psoriasis free and it was amazing!

Then I hit my twenties and I had a flare up, I was covered again!

It got worse and worse and now in my thirties, it's worse than ever but my scalp is the worst it has ever been... it's that bad, I needed to shave my hair off to treat my scalp. Here's just part of my story but it's not over yet.