Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Mon 24 Sep 2018 10.58 by demonicale

What do you eat them with Julie?

Posted Mon 24 Sep 2018 12.03 by Chrissie NW

Hi Julie. Well done and keep to it, Ive had P for 50yrs, yes 50yrs and been clear in total around 18months spread over that number of years. I saw the thread and rear through and decided I have to try this and all I can say is PDR our Phil the Magic Blueberry Man should be knighted I would never be as clear only for him and I have now been clear ( except for the old marks, which are fading) since beginning of August it is totally amazing Ive worn shorts for the first time in 50yrs, I love that man to bits for what he has done for me and all other members on our site, remarkable. So keep at it, 20 a day thats all, Im still tucking in cos I love them, Im sorting a spot in my garden and Im going to plant Blueberry Trees, only two as not much space and hope for a good summer next year, eat your fuit with natural yogurt, porridge which is lovely and other cereals, but I love them on there own, you are like me with arthritis, but although a very high inflamm. properties, mine has not improved, but not bothered about that as long as my skin stays good. Hope you keep improving.. Chrissie

Posted Mon 24 Sep 2018 14.46 by warren1 (edited Mon 24 Sep 2018 14.51 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi Julie, Like Chrissie i am enjoying my psoriasis free skin. I havn't used any, i mean NO creams now for 4 weeks after creaming myself for at least 35 years sometimes 3-5 times a day from head to foot. When I read your 'hallelujah' it just expressed how i feel too. I also can thank God for some relief. I was able yesterday to go to church wearing a white shirt with no cream sticking to me and no blood on the shirt. Incredible for me. I saw no change for 10 -15 days, so such a change within one week is remarkable. It is very encouraging for you to keep going. Hope your skin will completly clear. Best wishes War.

Posted Mon 24 Sep 2018 23.58 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Chrissie/Warren, Glad to hear that you are both doing well, it's a wonderful feeling to be able to lead a normal life, such a blessing. I know what you mean about being able to wear a white shirt. My shirts were once daily marked with blood spots, trousers and sheets too. Some very encouraging rapid results reported above. Fingers crossed for an all clear when a month or so has passed. All the best, Phil

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 08.47 by Chrissie NW

Hi Phil, many thanks for your kind words and yes it's good. I'm hoping I will be like this at Christmas and it will be the first time in my 50 Psoriasis Years. Seeing my Consultant this afternoon he won't believe this Phil , I can't wait to see his face, April time he was taking photos of my skin, with permission to show his Students what he called a Double Chronic Psoriasis Patient. Anyway thanks Phil for everything and I mean everything I have said about you on the Forum. Chrissie

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 09.05 by Cazzy27

Hi Chrissie. Hope you've recovered from your birthday celebrations. I am just enjoying my last day in Kalkan, Turkey. It's just beautiful here. The sun's dried out my PPP though so feet are cracking a bit. I was just wondering if you have managed to look for the information on that new injection that you mentioned (from a Manchester hospital) yet. No problem if you haven't. I tried to look on-line for it but no luck. Carole

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 09.52 by ateeq

Hi everyone, (My first post) I have suffered with psoriasis for 10 years and am in my late 30's. Over the past 9 months i have had more breakouts from head to toe like never before. It has been scary and frightnening and it has has depressed me /cut me off from the outside world - i feel so happy to read that people have experienced 'remission' eating blueberries and gives me hope. I started eating bl ueberries ( ate about 60) - apart from the cost - is there a reason we are keeping to 20? On day two now - and skin feels /looks a little clearer although i had my first 'wet cupping treatment the day before' so maybe my skin is less scaley because of that. I really hope blueberries are my route out from this nightmare. For those who have experienced signficant improvements -amazing - i can only wish /pray this journey takes me to where you are. Will keep posting my updates!

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 10.24 by Chrissie NW

Hi Carole alright for some still sunning themselves!!!! Glad your feet better perhaps sunning does improve. Re the injection, I will go through my desk now I have a quieter time I just hope I didn't throw it, think that's an age thing. I promised I will look and I will be in touch. Enjoy the rest of your holiday, it is starting to go cold at night here, sweater time!!! Chrissie

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 10.31 by Cazzy27

Hi Chrissie. Thankyou. That would be great. Please don't waste too much time on it though. I know what this age thing's like and it doesn't get any better! Sounds like the woodburner will be going on when I get back then! Carole

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 18.48 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Chrissie, Thank you for the kind words, I'd love to see your Consultant's face as well. I wrote to mine after I went clear. She noted that it was coincident with eating berries and wished me well. I guess it was difficult for her to comment further. Many patients would not like to be told to eat blueberries by a Consultant I guess, expecting a medical miracle. All the best, Phil

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 18.57 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Ateeq, You can eat as many as you wish. I found that I was cleared by eating a relatively small number. In fact probably around 15, as found in Tesco's berry medley. I started buying them for lunch Monday to Thursday. Now I probably eat 15 to 30/day, I still eat the medley for lunch during the week. I always try and have them on my cereal for breakfast as well. You need to allow a good month or so, I have read it takes the skin about 27 days to renew itself. So once you remove the cause of the inflammation you need recovery time. Good luck, Phil

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 21.22 by warren1 (edited Tue 25 Sep 2018 21.44 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Well Chrissie, Can u tell us what the consultant said? I am really keen to hear. The top consultant in Northern Ireland told me.. any diet (inc.blueberries)definately would not work......WRONG. Sir Phil has led the blueberry trail to clear skin.......RIGHT. I really miss hovering the floor each and every day ... NOT. I really miss having my psoriais burnt off with dithranol....NOT. I really miss the back of my hands burning with inflamed psoriasis and even hiding them .....NOT. I feel great. more energy too. probably because my immune system is no longer fighting against itself. The consultants can say whatever they want and i have spoken to many of them in hospital But But Blueberries Worked for Me. Warren.

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 21.47 by Chrissie NW

Hi Warren, my Consultant was shocked and just said if you want to continue with Blueberries it's up to you, really he wasn't interested, but I could tell he was very surprised. But I know in the 50yrs i had the disease it was living hell, compared to today, where like you, it's like a fresh and clean life and hope it continues, I will keep very positive. The Consultant does not want to see me for six months, I did say if this continues I will cancel my appointment and let someone else take it, he was not amused. Thanks for listening Warren. Chrissie

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 22.15 by Summer

Hi Chrissie Glad to here you’ve has such good results. I to seen my consultant today, I told him about the psoriasis Association I said how it has helped a lot of people, different treatments that have worked for some and not for others, When I told him about the B.B. he looked at me as if I’d gone mad, He said that’s a first for me And kind of dismissed what I had just said He did say he would send me another appointment 4 months Let’s hope it will be last one. Lol Just keep eating a B.B And yes we need to plant B.B. trees, lots of them

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 22.21 by JulieM
Plaque psoriasis 30+ years & psoriatic arthritis 20 years-started 20 Blueberries p/day & my skin is getting better, pain reduced in joints!

Hi demonicale, I’m just eating them as they come out of the punnet. 20 a day. Quite enjoy them too. The odd one is sharp tasting but most of them are delicious! Has anyone noticed a funny smell when they pee? (Excuse me for asking this) I have you see - a bit like when you’ve eaten asparagus! No new plaques formed on my lesions todate btw! So happy I can almost see the normal skin beneath them 😁 JulieM

Posted Tue 25 Sep 2018 23.55 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Of course we do need doctors and consultants, and they do much good work on the whole, and I thank them for that. But that said they are not gods and they do get it wrong. A pity that such a closed-minded attitude is being displayed here by some of them. Clearly as we have seen and testified, we have more than some random coincidence, or psychological effect going on here. Let them disbelieve then, what's important is that people are getting better anyway :-) Phil

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 08.11 by warren1 (edited Wed 26 Sep 2018 10.21 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Chrissie hi, 'Shocked but not intrested' he needs to get a life. Can the Dermatologist not see.. its clear skin. What caused it? Blueberries. I think you get more interest and enthusiasm here on Sir Phil's thread. I used to go to dermatologists but all they wanted to do was give me methotrexate, which i refused. I basically gave up going to them as it was the same old, same old. What has cleared my skin was 1st Aug 2018, when i read this thread, it has definately cleared my skin and changed my life. FACT. Julie M . The way you describe your skin is the way my skin was just before it cleared. Fantastic. These medics need to think outside the box. It may not be in one of their text books, it may not be taught in medical school, but it worked for me. Warren

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 09.10 by Cazzy27

Hi all. It's so good hearing about how blueberries have helped so many. I really wish it had worked for my PPP. I really don't want to go onto Methotrexate injections so has anyone got any other ideas? Carole

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 12.35 by JulieM
Plaque psoriasis 30+ years & psoriatic arthritis 20 years-started 20 Blueberries p/day & my skin is getting better, pain reduced in joints!

Warren, I work in the NHS. all clinicians are not encouraged to go against 'Best Practice' guidance. So the NICE Guideline for Psoriasis (CG153) says first line treatment is topical steroids and that's what they have to follow. They get paid to prescribe the creams etc. They cannot stray from the guidance unless they have gone through internal Governance Committees and have buy-in from everyone to say they won't adhere to the guidance. It's not encouraged though because they don't get paid by pharma or commissioners for suggesting people buy a £2.20 punnet of Blueberries from Asda (which could potentially cure them). They don't have time to do any research and it's not funded by pharma as there's no money to be made from it. It's a sad fact that they don't want us to be cured because they can't make money from us. JulieM (improving every day)

Posted Wed 26 Sep 2018 13.37 by ateeq

For those who have had their psoriasis clear up - can I ask what your diet was like/what it consisted of

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