Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 13.52 by Rsn70

Hi Sharon and everyone, I have been eating blueberries since november last year and I immediately had a marked improvement. After one month the situation stabilized, spots were not very inflamed but without itching. I had only two worsening episodes. Besides blueberries I am eating gluten free and taking oil fish tablets but there is some food triggers infiammation. I am still trying to understand... I started weighting bluberries, at the moment I eat 50 gramms per day, divided in two times. I keep trying foods on myself to understand. I am 50 years old so, unfortunately, I have to wait another month or two for my vaccine.

Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 15.38 by Rsn70

Maybe in U.K. .... not in Italy :) but I'll wait ....

Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 19.43 by SharonG

@Rsn70 That's fantastic news - the BB's have to be helping us :) Long may it continue my friend :) Take care and thanks for responding :) Good Luck with the Vaccine :) Once we are all done we might be able to get back to some sort of normality - until then stay safe :)

Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 20.22 by shappobunny

Hello all!! I wanted to update on my BB situation as well! I started in November and was only really able to afford the frozen blueberries. I ate a cup a day, super yummy. I was pretty disheartened at first to see that my skin wasn’t having a miracle improvement I thought it was going to have and so after about the three month period I stopped for a week. Only then did I realize that my scalp psoriasis had significantly improved while I was eating the BB’s. Before, my scalp would flake off in ginormous pieces - like skin frosted flakes (sorry for the terrible imagery) - but while I have my blueberries it doesn’t flake at all. My scalp is pink as opposed to red and I don’t have to constantly worry about having skin in my hair! So I got back on the BB’s. The rest of my body hasn’t seen much improvement from BB’s alone so I decided to workout regularly, get more sun and eat healthier and I am doing much better after my run-in with COVID. So while BB’s is not my cure-all it has definitely helped me regain my confidence and love my hair again. Good luck to all!!

Posted Fri 23 Apr 2021 13.53 by Yacht

Has anyone totted up the recent "success rate" of blueberries on here? Think there was an old post, suggesting 50-70% of eaters had seen partial or full P clearance within 1-3 months. Which, if true, is an astonishing result. Wondering what the latest stats are?

Posted Sat 24 Apr 2021 21.25 by Bubs

Hi there everyone, I'm new to this group and have been suffering with psoriasis for years, I'm covered from head to toe. The dermatologist has advised Methotrexate or ultra-violet treatment after many different creams, ointments etc have failed. I have just read on here about blueberries, which I really don't like but I'm willing to try anything to avoid more medicines. How many would I have to eat each day?

Posted Sat 24 Apr 2021 23.34 by SharonG

@Bubs I have 10 per day and so far so good :) Try a concentrated blueberry drink that might help? Smoothie type of thing you can knock that back? ;) Worth a try? I think so :) It's working for me :) So far :) Good Luck.

Posted Sat 24 Apr 2021 23.58 by Bubs

@SharonG Thank you for replying. I'm lying in bed trying my hardest not to scratch. My left calf is particularly bad tonight. I'm off to Asda in the morning to find some blueberries. Can I mix them with other berries to disguise the taste? Are there any foods that I might have to avoid that might be bad for P? Bubs

Posted Sun 25 Apr 2021 11.07 by SharonG

@Bubs Well you can but try :) Just ten that is all I eat - Have a look for the Blueberry smoothie that is mixed with other berries? Any better than none - they are so tiny the BB's just take them like a pill - have one then a gulp of water don't chew if you don't like them? Just try eh? Good Luck Morrisons do a smoothie Blueberry & Blackcurrant - that is quite nice too :)

Posted Mon 26 Apr 2021 00.10 by Bubs

@SharonG I got some BBs today along with a BB and Apple juice drink, not made from concentrate, it's quite nice. I made a fruit salad with BBs, strawberries, raspberries and a banana. I plan to have this every day and will look out for other juices with BBs in the hope that it works. If nothing else, it will improve my diet lol ;-)

Posted Mon 26 Apr 2021 07.42 by SharonG

@Bubs Sounds delicious :) Pop back and let us know how you go on. Hope the BB's help :)

Posted Mon 26 Apr 2021 20.49 by Pladecalvo

@ Bubs My psorisis has never been particularly bad and it rarely itches. Is always worse in winter but in the summer I sunbathe for 10 mins each side and that helps a lot. The vitamin D in sunlight defiately works but if you can't sunbathe you might try vitamin D tablets. Blueberries didn't work for me but don't let that discourage you because, as the post here show, they have worked for many. Good luck.

1 Posted Sat 22 May 2021 22.40 by Jackie

Just bumping this thread to the top. Started on the blueberries and hoping they work for me. I'll keep you posted, Jx

Posted Sun 23 May 2021 09.48 by Moggy1

Does anyone know if eating dried or frozen blueberries will have the same effect as I am struggling to get fresh ones all the time due to living far from shops ?

Posted Sun 23 May 2021 11.51 by SharonG

@Moggy1 I think either - better than none - they will still have the antioxidants in them - worth a try? Good luck.

Posted Sun 23 May 2021 14.59 by Dodger_girl

@Moggy1 I stick with frozen wild blueberries, they have more antioxidants than regular blueberries. Whenever I had the regular, it didn't seem to help me much.

Posted Sun 23 May 2021 18.12 by Skbblr

Hi I checked couple of messages oops hundreds of messages. My psoriasis is again come back as blueberries was not available. My advice for all dried blueberries or cherry (for gout) is not going to work. Get fresh or frozen blueberries as again I got fresh supply and psoriasis is gone and I'm taking along with methotrexate. Here I would like to mention that methotrexate was not working for me now its working fine with blueberries and hope I will get fresh supply of blueberries and doctor will eventually reduce dosage for methotrexate and happy that doctor (practicing in Indias of of the best Hospital) wrote in his prescription take blueberries as he is satisfied with my progress after taking blueberries :)

Posted Fri 28 May 2021 00.11 by Jackie

End of first blueberry week, itched like mad but is now more flaky than plaquey so I'm sticking with it. It seems a bit better. I so desperately want to be rid of this thing!

Posted Fri 28 May 2021 11.16 by SharonG

@Jackie Keep creaming up too - fingers crossed the BB's help.

Posted Fri 28 May 2021 12.22 by OhNo_NotAgain?

" Posted Fri 23 Apr 2021 13.53 by Yacht Has anyone totted up the recent "success rate" of blueberries on here? Think there was an old post, suggesting 50-70% of eaters had seen partial or full P clearance within 1-3 months. Which, if true, is an astonishing result. Wondering what the latest stats are? " Yacht, I think it is incredibly difficult to judge and extract meaningful stats on the success rate from a forum like this . - we do not know how many people have tried this regime, - of that total number, how many take time to post about their experience? - I suspect that people who have seen improvement are perhaps more inclined to post than people who did not (just my feeling, but it is definitely another source of uncertainty), - then there is the question of what consitutes "success"? eg complete remission (clear what that means I think) , observed/visible reduction, reduced itching, and how rigorously each poster might judge what is a significant "partial remission". - and of course there is no way to know how many people are using ONLY blackberries, and how many are using other treatments or dietary changes also, that might have been the significant factor, or an important contributory factor, in their results. I remember in the early days of this thread, someone insisted that no other treatment should be used in parallel with BBs. I think most sufferers wil try some parallel methods/treatments even if only trying different non-steroid topical treatments in parallel with dietary changes and/or BBs. Certainly, I think any conclusions would contain significant uncertainties.

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