Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Sun 30 May 2021 13.40 by Tor

Are blackberries as good as blueberries - not very keen on blueberries

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2021 04.05 by Yacht

@OhNo_NotAgain?... Yes, definitely not suggesting this thread is medically significant. Self-reported, self-controlled, self-monitored surveys always get laughed at, for sure. But... there is no denying... over 1000 posts already here and plenty of folks claiming minor or major psoriasis clearance. The informal "theory" makes broad sense. Blueberry flavanoids may boost or "reset" the immune system and reverse psoriasis. The medical community is more than happy to promote (many) psoriasis creams etc. that barely give (say) 5-20% improvement, or just reduce symptoms for a week (temporary fix). If the same 5-20% improvement could be done with (say) 20 tasty blueberries a day, then it's gotta be worth a curious look. To be honest, one struggles to believe it oneself. But there's no denying the surprisingly large wave of positive "results" throughout the thread (assuming they are mostly real or believed real). The power of the crowd may be on to something.

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2021 08.30 by SharonG

@Yacht Power of the crowd? I like that :) They are still working for me :) No word of a lie - I have changed nothing apart from no longer using steroid ointment etc. Just eating Blueberries. :) I am no Doctor so please see Doctor first - My Dr actually told me to check out Forums - so glad I did. Fingers crossed.

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2021 09.29 by Vintage_banana

I wish this worked for me. I am vegan and a lover of blueberries. I went vegan because I was told if helps psoriasis. No it hasn't. I have blueberries with breakfast and lunch everyday but again doesn't help me. Maybe j should bath in them lol

Posted Thu 3 Jun 2021 by Jackie

Yes Sharon, I'm still creaming up. End of week 2, hands and feet are a bit better but increase in red blotches everywhere else. Sorry if that's too much information! Went out tonight and would so have loved to wear sandals but sadly not possible . I will try anything to get rid of this!

Posted Fri 4 Jun 2021 11.00 by SharonG

@Jackie Never too much information matey. Stick with it - if the red blotches get worse go to your GP? Hope it works for you that's all - mine hasn't gone off my feet completely but they are just loads better - last year they were so bad I could hardly walk on them - it was like walking on broken glass - I stopped ALL steroid ointment and ate the BB's but that is me - you may need the steroid? I haven't used steroid ointment since last August and I hope I never have to go back to it. All trial and error I am afraid - maybe I just had a bad break out - I am also taking Vitamin D. Take care and keep bobbing back with your progress - Good Luck nd fingers crossed you get some respite from it.

Posted Fri 4 Jun 2021 20.56 by Jackie

Thanks Sharon, it's good to find people who understand. I've been taking vitamin D for months but the blueberries only for two weeks so I'm sticking with them. I think hands and feet are getting better but not sure how much is wishful thinking! Jx

Posted Sat 5 Jun 2021 03.52 by Mary1968

Hello Took ages to read all the replies, but an interesting thread overall. Certainly, blueberries potentially can be helpful for lowering any type of internal inflammation. And of course, psoriasis is classed as an inflammatory condition, so not surprising they are helping some people. For such a small berry, the polyphenols and antioxidants content are remarkably high, and as a result they are an excellent anti-inflammatory food. They are classed as a Superfood after all. Especially if you can get wild blueberries, as opposed to farmed blueberries that you get at the supermarket. Wild blueberries would have a much higher antioxidant content - on the downside, they are hard to source and can be expensive to buy if you cannot pick them yourself. I know that sugar is really bad for people with psoriasis, and many people find that when they lower their sugar consumption, then their psoriasis starts to positively benefit and clear up. But to all the people worrying about the sugar content in blueberries - I really would NOT worry about that. It is an unprocessed natural fruit sugar for a start. And of all fruits, blueberries have extremely low sugar content. Often when you go on a restricted diet, they say if you want to eat fruit, then stick with berries because of the low sugar content Eating one 150gram punnet a day would be fine. Given how much sugar most people consume on a daily basis (from sodas, cereals, processed foods, chocolate), I certainly would Not be concerning myself with natural sugars in raw or frozen berries. I personally have cleared from psoriasis using a combination of diet and supplements. I consume blueberries several days a week. Since I am already clear, I cannot say for sure if blueberries help or not, however I can positively say that they certainly don’t hurt. And best thing about trying this route is … delicious the method is. :)

Posted Sat 12 Jun 2021 20.58 by Jackie

End of week 3, I think hands and feet are slightly better and red blotches on body definitely are. Persevering!

Posted Sun 13 Jun 2021 05.42 by SharonG

@Jackie Fab news :) All a step in the right direction.

Posted Fri 18 Jun 2021 22.22 by Jackie

End of week 4 and I think I see some improvement but it might be wishful thinking. Sharon, how long did it take for you to see an improvement? I could look back through the thread but I'm too lazy!

Posted Sat 19 Jun 2021 08.39 by SharonG

@Jackie A couple of months - but have to say - during this heat my feet are flaring :( Not as bad as last year so I am sticking with the BB's. Maybe wishful thinking for me too :( But they can't do any harm? I am still not using steroids - all I do is cream them constantly. Trial and error :( Stick with them.

Posted Sat 19 Jun 2021 11.22 by Psoriais101

It’s worth pointing out that most who have seen improvement have mentioned the sun, which is proven to help psoriasis. Also those that started tablets etc, it’ll be that helping not the blueberries. I hope no one stops taking medication given to them suddenly due to this as that’s dangerous. I’d really see a dermatologist and get something that is proven to help as there’s so many factors that could be helping those that have had a good reaction that’s lifestyle based. Getting professional help is the best way.

Posted Sat 19 Jun 2021 19.33 by SharonG

@Psoriasis101 The sun and heat make mine worse :( Pustular Psoriasis on my feet :(

Posted Fri 25 Jun 2021 15.19 by PoloNP

Chrissie NW, you said “After reading Phil’s article you are going to buy and try blueberries”… what article are you speaking of. I can’t find one on any of the posts and would like to read it as well. Thanks.

Posted Fri 25 Jun 2021 22.52 by Jackie

Week 5, hands definitely better, feet improving but red blotches all over the rest of me. I'm between doctors but will ask for a dermatologist referral once I'm registered.

Posted Sat 26 Jun 2021 09.39 by lizziep

ive eaten huge quantities of blueberries (and still am eating them) for 4 months now - sadly no improvement for me.

Posted Sat 24 Jul 2021 19.25 by Jr456

How is everyone today! I’m in Florida USA. I started with the blueberries today and will keep everyone updated.. thanks Phil for helping so many. I’m confident that this will work for me 🤞🏽

Posted Sat 24 Jul 2021 21.35 by Pladecalvo

@ lizziep. They didn't work for me either but many have had success. I guess we are just unlucky.

Posted Sat 24 Jul 2021 21.37 by Pladecalvo

@Jr456 Good luck with it.

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