Is Anyone Fed Up With Finding The Right Treatment.

Posted Thu 19 Sep 2019 21.29 by Sarah

Hi all, So I’m really fed up with trying new lotions,creams,bath etc and nothing helping! I’ve used everything that either the doctor or hospital has given me and had light treatment... So now I’m going the natural and food way as I really don’t want to carry on with steroids or go on strong drugs! So I’m cutting out dairy,eating more fruit and veg,limiting gluten too. In my bath Dead Sea Salts and Pure Coconut Oil. So if anyone out there has gone down the natural way any tips would be great.☺️

1 Posted Fri 20 Sep 2019 10.09 by wendyloish

Hi Sarah, I think what you are proposing could help, but watch out with the fruit. Some fruits are very high in fructose, which can be part of the problem. I would suggest eating only the FODMAP allowed fruits such as citrus, grapes, kiwifruit and berries. wendyloish

1 Posted Fri 20 Sep 2019 18.11 by scouternorm

I haven't had psoriasis on anything other than my hands & feet, but CBD oil has worked wonders with my plaque psoriasis. Previously I had used Dovebet & was prescribed a drug called Soriatane, but neither worked for me. Possibly CBD oil would work for you, if you can get some. I have found relief with a topical application of CBD oil. I don't ingest it. It's a little expensive - $20 for a 30 mil bottle in Canada, it lasts about 1 month, and it's not covered by drug plans. In a little over 1 year, I would say that it has cleared up my hands & feet by over 90%. As an aside, it also seems to promote faster healing of sores/wounds. As CBD oil is used more and more, I am sure that it will relieve symptoms of a lot of afflictions. In Canada, we used to need a medical prescription to buy it from a producer, but now we can now buy it online from a government store, without a prescription. I have uploaded before & after photos here: Good luck!

Posted Sat 21 Sep 2019 02.43 by wendyloish

Hi everyone, Nice to know my follower is still with me. I am happy my opinions still elicit that same old response, scouternorm, I have been reading your posts with interest for a while now, but there is still a problem with government regulations and CBD oil in Australia, Would you mind explaining to me how you think the stuff works on your psoriasis, Thanks, wendyloish

Posted Sat 21 Sep 2019 10.30 by Sarah

Hi all, Thank you for your tips.. Yes I’ve been eating fruits like kiwi,grapes,blueberries,bananas and apples. I’m waiting for a cream I ordered online AproDerm,it only has oats in it and nothing else,so fingers crossed.🤞🏻 Also a lady in The Body Shop has given me a sample of Hemp cream which I’m trying too. I just can’t believe how many products has paraffin in it! It’s awful!! I’m using organic raw coconut oil in my bath with Dead Sea Salts too so I’m really sticking to natural products now.

Posted Sat 21 Sep 2019 17.13 by scouternorm (edited Sat 21 Sep 2019 17.16 by scouternorm)

wendyloish, I am not 100% certain how CBD oil works on psoriasis, especially the plaque variety, but I suspect that because it acts like a moisturizer, that has something to do with it. And unlike regular moisturizers, CBD oil isn't greasy, and absorbs into the skin and possiblty the nails, very fast. When I was on medication & Dovobet ointment, I know that the soles of my feet were very thick, and cracked, and to try to pull the plaque off resulted in bleeding. In other words, it didn't work. I quit this prescribed treatment and started to apply CBD oil morning and night on my feet, including the nails. In about a month, I was able to remove a fair amount of plaque daily, and with very little bleeding. I have mentioned that I think CBD oil aids in healing wounds, so that helped. After about 4 months, my feet were almost plaque free, and my nails, after being dead, began to grow again. For me, this has been a life changer. That's all I can tell you, so it's up to the individual to try it or not. And I'm not being paid by anyone to suggest this treatment. It's only based on the results that I have experienced. You had mentioned that in Australia that it's difficult to obtain cannabis products. Here is an interesting page about this:

Posted Sat 21 Sep 2019 19.34 by Chuggybear

Hi im feeling pretty much the same , ive been clear through the summer but its all starting to come back! . I saw a post and previously known about bathing in porridge oats. I tried it 3 nights on the trot, i put porride oats in a sock, tied it and dropped it in a luke warm bath. While in the bath i squeezed the sock so all the liquid from the soaked oats came out and covered myself in it. I cant believe the diffeence, im so impressed my skin is clearing. My arms are clear, my legs are a little stubborn but improving every day. Please try it. I used a sock but i need to get some muslim cloths and tie them to allow the liquid to come through more freely. Honestly ive had every bloody treatment since ive been 18 and get so bloody depressed with my body. I am truly feeling positive x good luck x

Posted Sun 22 Sep 2019 10.46 by wendyloish

Hi scouternorm, Thanks for that, But what made you try it in the first place? Was it word of mouth, or did a doctor or pharmacist recommend it? I notice Sarah mentioning hemp cream which might not be a coincidence. Your skin and nail problems seem to be more like my brother's than mine, so I will pass on the information about the website to him. wendyloish

Posted Sun 22 Sep 2019 19.25 by scouternorm

A doctor never recommended it, that's for sure. I asked my dermatologist whether cannabis might help, especially my hands at that time, as they were really badly cut up on the tips. He said that he didn't know of any studies that showed that cannabis helped, so that was the end of that. I think that in desperation, I was looking at ANY kind of treatment that would relieve pain. I even applied Jiffy, the toothache ointment, to my fingertips! I stumbled across a site- MJ Creams- & purchased the marijuana infused salve & it DID relieve some pain, right off the bat. About a month later, I noticed the cuts were healing, so I went to my regular Dr & got a medical prescription for cannabis & started using the CBD oil. I initially ingested it as well as topically applying it, but only ingested it for a short time. Now it is strictly topical. Here is some info from MJ Creams site:

Posted Wed 25 Sep 2019 06.31 by UmBongo

I have suffered from mild (up to 10%) plaque psoriasis for over twenty years. During this time I’ve tried many topical treatments and seen several dermatological consultants, whose attitude varied from slightly interested to unhelpful. This year, in mild desperation, I asked my GP to refer me to a consultant once more. He prescribed Enstilar and after using this for around two months, I am extremely happy with the results. My plaques have changed from itchy, red and scaly horrors, to a shadow (literally) of their former selves. Please ask your GP for Enstilar, which is a spray on foam, and I hope it helps you in the same way!

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