
Posted Mon 17 Nov 2014 13.31 by garysmith
severely for 45 years

i have had psoriasis for 40 years , last summer , for the first time ever i wore shorts and t shirt after being on cyclosporin , i was totally clear , 4 weeks ago i suffered from high blood pressure 210/95 and was innediately taken off cyclosporin , my psoriasis has come back with a vengence worse than i have ever had , yesterday i purchased a narrowband uvb unit to try at home( cant have anymore at hospital , had it on 4 other occasions). has anyone had succsess with a home treatment unit , i would be interested to hear your stories thank you gary

Posted Wed 15 Apr 2015 22.40 by Ponkie252
I have had psoriasis for 24 years

Hi Gary, I bought a lamp to use at home but actually found it quite difficult - wasn't sure on the timings or the strengths I should use and ended up either burning myself or it not being very effective. Also, I have psoriasis all around the trunk area so it was difficult to position myself properly in front of just one flat panel of light! Having said that, it did seem to work relatively well at first although I gave up after a couple of months and went onto some strong tablets! How have you found it?

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