Foods to avoid?

Posted Mon 5 Jan 2015 07.19 by nanabeans

What are foods you have found to lead to flare ups and now avoid?

Posted Tue 13 Jan 2015 22.38 by mjtj2015

Hi! I'm 25 and suffer from psoriasis or at least, I did suffer from it.... I had it throughout university - two very small patches on my elbows and when I started my first job when I left it went mad and got worse and worse and worse. I was covered head to foot and would wake up in a bed of flakes every morning - I tried all sorts of steroid creams, UV Treatment, a lot of baths! I got to a point where drugs were suggested and I thought there must be another way... Miraculously, I have now found a way to manage it, which might work for you also... I stumbled across someone called Jason Vale last year who also suffered from psoriasis but who found a way to cure his psoriasis through juicing... he has tailored a diet that is a completely healthy and balanced diet which can help to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis and in some cases fully clear it up (it did for me!) - the only drawback is the sacrifice of sweets, chocolate, coffee, alcohol etc. which for me wasn't much of a sacrifice as I would do anything to get rid of psoriasis! I'd just like to add that I'm in no way associated to Jason Vale and have no specific interest in promoting him except for the fact that he has created this amazing diet that might just be able to help... Here is a link to the page on his website where you can click through to his 'clear skin diet'. I want to spread the word to see if it can help others, which I am sure it can! It'd be great to hear your feedback, please feel free to contact me at if you need any more information. Thanks, Mike

Posted Wed 29 Apr 2015 22.22 by jacquiarm
Recently diagnosed with PPP

I was diagnosed with Palmoplantar Pustular Psoriasis last year having suffered for some time with outbreaks on both feet and hands. In March this year I was also diagnosed as being lactose intolerant and have since removed all dairy products (milk, butter, cheese, cream) completely from my diet. After just 6 weeks of being dairy free my PPP has almost disappeared. Keeping my fingers crossed that this will continue.

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