Living w/ P and P Arthritis - Can't treat :( Cause: Non-active TB

Posted Tue 10 Feb 2015 17.56 by cris1406
I have P and P Arthritis. Im 26 and Married. It Has affected me Emotionally, Physically and Intimately. I had to learn how to mourn my lif

Im 26- Not long ago (3-4 years) I was diagnosed with P and a few months later P Arth. A year passed and ointments and Methotrexate didn't work. Scalp 100% covered/Back 75%/Chest 75%/Vaginal 90%- were my most affected areas along with my arthritis both my doctors and me had, had enough. She searched online and approved me for 100 % free Humira treatment. First 2 shots were so painful I almost passed out in her office. But within a week I only had 30% of my Psoriaisis on my entire body. But I got a dreaded call that I needed to come back in. She had missed a vital test. But since I had no Symptoms she said not to worrie. I was a ball of nerves 3 days later I had to be removed from the program. I had non active TB. And now I required yet another Dr and set of labs/treatment. After a bit the Dr visits and labs because expensive. I don't have insurance- so I have not been on my TB medication for several months now. With no where to go I turn here for support. All Psoriasis has returned and I have no way out left where I started with only ointments. If anyone has comfort or home remedies please share. My biggest issue at the moment P in my ear - that has turned into a severe ear infection. With most if not all my money going towards bills only- I would appreciate input on not only P/ P arthritis/Pin the ears but also ear infections. Thank you, Desperate but hopeful

Posted Sat 11 Apr 2015 17.41 by edie132

Hi I have psoriasis too and have had problems with my ears namely they got blocked and painful during a flare up. I have found the best thing is olive oil ear drops (either Earol or st georges medical ear drops were ost effective -they can be brought from amazon for 3-4 pounds). these tend to soften the wax and decrease the flakiness as well stopping the pain and blocked ears. For me it look about 3-4 days for pain to subside. Hope this helps :)

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