Dawning of the problem at hand

Posted Fri 6 Mar 2015 11.49 by richarddavies20
I have suffered with the disease for a number of years and have now finally plucked up the courage to seek help

Hi first time poster so please bare with me ive suffered from psoriasis for roughly about 10 years, and it is now at the stage where its unmanageable ive finally after nearly 10 months .... you read right 10 have an appointment for the hospital and am now starting to realise the severity of the task at hand, I would advise anyone who is suffering with this condition to seek assistance as soon as possible, dont leave it, i thought creams and ointment would fight it back and now its got to the stage where i dont want to look in the mirror in the morning, i shall keep you up to date with my progress, its great to see there is help and advice out there

Posted Fri 27 Mar 2015 22.41 by Miyaya

Stay strong, it will go. Keep us updated:)

Posted Sun 29 Mar 2015 08.35 by andrea
have had p for too many years

Hi Richard i know where you are coming from, I have found UVB wonderful as it cleared my skin starting treatment in May each year so my skin is clear for the summer. My P has become resistant to creams and I am on 17.5 mg Methotrexate which has done absolutly nowt!. I have monthly emails sent from Science Daily with updates on new research and the latest sounds hopeful towards a cure. Scientists have found patients showed a significanr recovery with an experimental dose of a human antibody that blocks an immune signaling protein crucial to the disease. By the end of clinical trials after 6 weeks patients showed dramatic if not complete improvement in their symptoms. So at least this gives us sufferers some hope that new research is being done and more is being discovered about the actual cause of psoriasis.Do hope you have some releif soon.

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